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Goldie Hawn claims she was touched by an alien in a bizarre confession in a new podcast.

The Death Becomes Her actress told Apple Fitness audio Time To Walk that she had asked aliens to visit her and they ultimately did.

[…] “I went outside my door, and I sat on the little ledge, and I looked up at the dark sky. And I saw all these stars. And all I could think of was… ‘Are we the only planet in the whole wide universe that has life on it?’

She then revealed she called out to any aliens who were out there, saying “We’re not alone, and I would like to meet you one day.”

She then said four months later, something strange happened to her while she was napping in a friend’s car and heard a “high frequency” in her ear.

She claimed she saw “three triangular-shaped heads”, silver in colour with a “tiny little nose”, no ears and “a slash for a mouth”.

“The aliens were pointing at me… discussing me like I was a subject,” she said.

Narcissism much?

Revealing she was “unable to move”, she said the aliens “touched me and it felt like the finger of God. It was the most benevolent, loving feeling. This was powerful. It was filled with light.”

This is known as sleep paralysis. Simply put, this is when the brain is awake but the body is still asleep. (Some would argue that the reverse is often true, particularly with regards to politicians.)

It’s common for people to hallucinate while in sleep paralysis. The interesting thing is that back in the really old days victims of sleep paralysis would see demons, angels etc. In fact you could almost argue that an entire religion was created as a result of one person being sleep paralysed.

Fast forward to today and it’s all silver-headed aliens.

Still though, Hawn should consider herself lucky. After all it could have been much worse.

Hawn is not the only celebrity to have made claims of the paranormal recently.

In August, Olivia Newton-John’s husband and daughter said the former Grease star had visited them as a “blue orb” since dying.

“Mom and I had talked years back,” her daughter Chloe Lattanzi told People at the time. “We’d watch these paranormal shows, and I’d say, ‘You gotta show up for me.’

“And she was like, ‘I’ll show up as one of those orb things.’”

Ooh, spooky.
