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I usually prefer to approach certain subjects using metaphor and allegory, but time is short and general comprehension regards the end game of those currently waging war upon humanity as being low. So in an effort to explain, dry as it may be, I will state the obvious as simply as I am able.

A biblical verse written by Jesus’ first apostle, Peter, reads, “And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you”.

What does this mean? Well it means a great many things, but I will list a few in which the champions of covetousness have with deception and stealth made a commodity of human beings.

Through certificates and registrations:

At birth parents are encouraged to fill out a form that allows for the issuing of a ‘birth’ certificate. This is, in legal terms, the incorporation of a new human. It creates a legal person corresponding with the newly arrived natural human. When governments raise money through ‘bonds’, it is using the asset of their human merchandise as collateral.

Through trafficking:

Human trafficking, at its most basic level the abduction of humans, especially children, and selling them into various forms of physical bondage, is much more common than is generally supposed. The Human Rights First website notes that “Human trafficking earns profits of roughly $150 billion a year for traffickers, according to the ILO report from 2014”.

On a more sophisticated level people are traded by companies. They are branded for what they are: human resources. Men and women are enticed into selling themselves for a salary and other perceived benefits ranging from health care to social status. They are paid in fiat currency that they do not own. This allows them to access sufficient sustenance to fulfill nutritional requirements. After all, the masters don’t want to starve their slaves while they retain any value. The bulk of their income though is usually diverted toward obtaining perceived, but not actual ownership of, land through a deed of title (certificate of registration), for land that is, in reality, their birthright. If they do not hold (holding is not owning) such a title, then they usually rent, lease or pay usury (interest) to someone who does. Either way, the rulers of the world have by assuming the role of issuing titles made themselves the legal owners. If this were not the case, it would be illegal for your ‘territorial authority’ (council) to levy land tax (rates) upon you.

Through people farming:

It is no secret that the Chinese government routinely practises organ harvesting and executes its ‘citizens’ at will. This is usually performed on people deemed ideologically unacceptable: mostly political dissidents and religious or cultural groups who are perceived as a threat to the ruling class.

In spite of these most obvious and blatant crimes against humanity, almost every country in the world happily trades with China and reaps the benefits of China’s elite usurping ownership of the people and abusing their assumed property. Most of my clothes have been manufactured there and if you are reading this electronically you can bet China’s stamp is on it somewhere along the chain, if not everywhere. The Chinese people are slaves – not only physically but psychologically as well. The West is currently using China’s ‘Social Credit’ system as a template for a similar approach to their own people.

The vanguard of the war on humanity, though, is exemplified in the abortion industry. Historical pagan child sacrifices to Moloch have nothing on this very lucrative modern sacrifice of life. The modern ritual is that of a factory assembly line, or more literally a disassembly line. At around 34,000 per annum in New Zealand, there is plenty of product to be merchandised. Pre-birth humans have a huge range of uses. Foetal tissue is cultured to produce stem cells, food additives and flavour enhancers, and skin care products and cosmetics, and is also used in medicines, including most vaccines. Those who harvest this fruit of the womb often manage to charge the slave victim for robbing them. White coats and scrubbed floors mask the reality of what are whitewashed temples of death.

The ownership of humans can only occur if both individually and collectively humans willingly accept the terms offered and establish a contract. If they do not, then historically a fight ensues and as often as not those who are the intended property win. Human property has traditionally been called slaves. Modern slaves differ from their forerunners by being captured by bluff and held by chains of belief and tradition, if accepting servitude, and, as Bob Dylan once asserted, ‘you gotta serve somebody’. They no longer have legal or moral right to themselves. They have become a commodity.

The final sentence in the NZ Bill of Rights Act reads:

Application to legal persons

Except where the provisions of this Bill of Rights otherwise

provide, the provisions of this Bill of Rights apply, so far as

practicable, for the benefit of all legal persons as well as for

the benefit of all natural persons.

Why do you think there is a distinction between legal persons and natural persons?

The truth is we are not supposed to be ‘persons’ at all: we are supposed to be men and women. We should be human.

The only escape I know of is to allow your contract to be purchased and know, as I do, that you are actually owned by God. Bought and paid for, with blood as it happens.

Ownership has already been conferred to the ‘most high’ authority. The government does not own you, the corporation does not own you, your neighbour, your coach, your landlord or your boss do not own you –unless you consent. In that case, you must honour the contract (covenant). Indeed ‘with feigned words they make merchandise of you’, but ‘as for me and my house we shall serve the Lord’.
