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Believe it or not
NOT photoshopped this is a real logo

When I first saw the above logo my initial reaction was that it had been photoshopped. Coca Cola is, after all, an iconic brand associated with the West and America in particular.

Believe it or not, it is real.

Coca-Cola is celebrating Ramadan this year in Norway with a new campaign featuring the Islamic crescent moon.

I must have missed the time that they did a Christian cross version for Easter and a star of David version for Hanukkah.

[…] Coca-Cola is launching a new campaign in Norway to promote the Islamic fast of Ramadan, complete with a brand new logo

[…] During the campaign, the classic Coca-Cola logo will change to one featuring the crescent moon, the symbol for Islam. The company says they will use the new logo for social media, soda machines and outdoor advertisements amongst other things for their new promotion.

“In Muslim countries we have a long history of observing Ramadan, just like we in this country have a tradition with Christmas campaigns. Now we want for the first time in Norway to celebrate Ramadan together with Norwegian Muslims” says Johanna Kosanovic, chief of marketing at Coca-Cola Norway

[…] Diversity and inclusivity has always been important for Coca-Cola. Many do not now [sic] for example that we were actively engaged in the civil rights movement in the 50s, and that Coca-cola was the first to have women in advertisement campaigns.” […]
end quote.


How fascinating. Perhaps the creator of this brain fart of a promotion does not know that in Muslim countries there are few civil rights and women do not have equal rights.
