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Do you sometimes feel as if the world has gone completely mad?

Let me assure you that it has. It really has.

First let’s start with this.

What? Medical exemptions have to be signed off by Reichsfuhrer Bloomfield himself, so there is no chance of this lady faking her condition. This isn’t just ‘no jab, no job’. This is ‘have the jab, even if it kills you’.

No one should have to make a choice like that. Forcing someone to take a medical procedure that could kill them is simply wrong, and there is no justification for it, especially when we are at 80% fully vaccinated.

Exemption. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker. the BFD.

But this is the dystopian world we live in. People have to choose between their life and their job. What’s worse, is that it is being sanctioned by our government of ‘kindness’.

Then there was the man who died last week while isolating at home. He had COVID, was coughing up blood, and was told by a health respondent to take paracetamol and throat lozenges.

If this is the parlous state of the health ministry now, what will it be like once the vaccine mandates start to hit and we lose a number of health professionals?

Speaking of vaccine mandates, they start applying to the teaching profession on Tuesday. From then on, any school where an unvaccinated teacher turns up can not only tell them to go home, but can actually call the police to physically drag them from the premises! So unvaccinated people are now to be treated in the same way as criminals? Good grief. Where is this going to end?

The police are to be subject to vaccine mandates as well… at least, I assume so. They will also face the problems of losing experienced staff because they do not want the vaccine. Police resources are stretched enough as it is, with Auckland border controls and now having to eject ‘dangerous’ unvaccinated teachers, but it seems that they still have plenty of resources to play with.

A Geraldine pensioner was surprised to receive a visit from police late last month, after he forgot to wear his face mask while out shopping.

Seventy-eight-year-old James Lang said he generally wears a mask when he goes out, but was on autopilot when he popped into the Geraldine Pharmacy to pick up a prescription on October 28.

“My feet have a better memory than my head.”

“I walked in there with no mask on. I walked up to the counter, nobody said anything.”

Ah, but there must have been a woman named Karen lurking by.

He said he had been home a couple of hours when police arrived to talk to him about mask compliance.

“Talk about things getting out of hand,” Lang said.

Lang said he told police he wasn’t trying to make a point, and had merely forgotten to put his mask on.

He said the police officer was polite and pleasant.

But, Lang said he was surprised at what he believes is an overreaction.

“We shouldn’t be controlling it like that, sending the police round.”

“It’s getting a bit stroppy when police are coming out to an old place like this.”


Clearly the police have nothing better to do, as there are no crimes or shootings going on in the country any more.

Shootings? Well, actually, yes there are. But don’t worry: these are not actual shootings. They are just COVID deaths. No wonder the police have nothing to do.

The Ministry of Health has added an additional death to the national Covid-19 figures on Thursday.

1News understands this person is Robert James Hart, a father of two who was shot dead in a driveway in the Auckland suburb of New Lynn.

Since his death on November 5, the 40-year-old tested positive for the virus.

Police have since confirmed these details.

“An additional death in Auckland has today been added to the national Covid-19 figures,” the Ministry of Health said.

TV1 News

We really are the laughing stock of the world with a prime minister who closed down the entire country for one case… and now a shooting recorded as a COVID death. As they say, it really is a tricky virus.

I am writing this on a very wet Saturday afternoon, against the backdrop of “The Great Gridlock”, where motorists are out everywhere deliberately causing mayhem on the roads to protest lockdowns and other controls. I can remember a time when a cat getting stuck up a tree in Timaru would have made headlines in sleepy old New Zealand. Times have certainly changed.

Still, we need to be heard. I keep thinking about all the kids whose education has been ruined in the last two years, along with their friendships and social development. Those likely to be least affected by the virus itself are the ones who are suffering the most, and will likely be affected for the rest of their lives by these periods of lockdowns. It is simply wrong.

I do not want to live in a society that treats some of its citizens like untermenschen. I use that term deliberately, because it was the Nazi’s term for Jews and Slavs in the 1930s and 1940s, and I don’t think we should be going back to that sort of thinking. Yet, here we are.

Segregation, C. 2022. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The NZ Bill of Rights is supposed to protect us from being forced into any medical procedures, but sadly the courts have come back and said that vaccine mandates do not contravene the Bill of Rights, as the vaccine mandates are not mandatory.

Meme Wtf GIF

I am not convinced that being told ‘no jab, no job’ constitutes a choice, but apparently it is. You can choose between having a vaccine you don’t want or starving your children. Hmmm. Seems like a choice many will end up making against their better judgment. It should not be like this.

Finally, I will leave this here for you to ponder. Sometimes, you know exactly how the Nazis managed to take control so easily.

The teacher is losing her livelihood because she is concerned about the Pfizer vaccine. The government has, in its own way, acknowledged some people’s concerns, by (finally) making the Astra-Zeneca vaccine available in New Zealand. Anyone has the right to be concerned about something they put into their own body. That response, by a parent who thinks vaccination is more important than keeping a good teacher, is a disgrace, but that kind of thinking is sadly all too common these days.

I am only thankful that there are still some decent people like ‘malakai’ left in the world.

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