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Jane Campion The power of the dog

It appears that Jane Campion has won best director at the Oscars for her tedious film The Power of the Dog. Naturally the actress currently pretending to be the Prime Minister declared that Campion has put us on the world stage:

Dame Jame Campion has put “New Zealand on the world stage”, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said when congratulating the Kiwi director on her Oscar win.

Campion won the Best Director Oscar for her film The Power of the Dog this afternoon.

“It’s a phenomenal outcome and I know we’re all very proud of her,” Ardern said this afternoon.

“Dame Jane to be there again – not once but twice – at this level, it’s just phenomenal,” Ardern said.

“It speaks to her skill, her talent, but she has used that to put New Zealand on the world stage.”

“She has used that to put New Zealand on the world stage,” Ardern said.

NZ Herald

Of course the tyrant, Jacinda Ardern, ignores all the awards that other Kiwis won before Campion, who demonstrably put New Zealand on a much bigger stage than Campion will or ever has achieved.

But what grinds my gears is that the film was probably the most tedious, predictable, woke load of bull dust I’ve ever had the displeasure of viewing.

I’m not joking. I watched the film hoping, beyond hope in the end, that it would improve. It never did, despite great actors whom I admire for their previous work.

If someone suggested I should give it another go, just in case I may have erred, then I’d rather poke pins in my eyes than watch that tedious film again.

In fact I’d rather watch paint dry, with my aforementioned pin-poked eyes.

The film though was aptly named, it was a dog.

I doubt you’ll manage it, but convince me I am wrong in the comments.

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