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Sleeping baby

Dear Readers

the BFD is our brand new baby and as proud new parents we are still learning how to put her to bed and get her to sleep.

As we all adjust to the demands of parenthood we have some tips to make viewing easier for those of you visiting the nursery.

  1. Sign out of the BFD and close the tab.
  2. Refresh your browser
  3. Clear your cache
  4. Open a window just for using to view the BFD
  5. Try viewing with a different browser
  6. Count to ten, take a deep breath, exhale and then smash something. ( Just kidding you don’t need to take a deep breath)

Seriously though please bear with us as we navigate our way through first-time parenthood of the BFD. She is completely gorgeous when she is sleeping but can be cranky when out of her routine. A site as large as this one may take a couple of weeks or more before everything has settled down.

I promise that it will be worth the wait.
