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Biden Demands States Reimpose COVID Mask Mandates

President Joe Biden. You will wear a mask! Image credit The BFD.


Apparently the far-left have a need to reignite COVID weaponized fear.  With more states dropping mask mandates and opening up their restrictions, the JoeBama administration is facing a crisis of spontaneous self-reliance breaking out.  They really need the COVID fear to continue their control over all facets of society.

It’s likely they need to funnel more money into their allied corporate funders and the COVID fear is a necessary component therein.  The globalist vaccination passport agenda also needs a dangerous virus in order to facilitate the control program.  If states are open, masks dropped, restrictions removed and COVID is not deadly, it will be a lot harder to sell the registration program underpinning the vaccination passport agenda.

As a result, Biden is wheeled out from his walk-in-tub and told to go read the fearmongering script stat.  Panic is needed quickly.  Those pesky dissidents are pressuring their state and local officials to stop with the nonsense propaganda.  Mr. Mumbles needs to support the fear narrative… oh and use the creepy, whisper voice.


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