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persons eye in close up photography
Photo by Eva Wilcock. The BFD.




On 14 July I received this notice from a Dr Chamberlain:

Protect yourself and your whanau over winter

Kia ora [ redacted],

Why get a second COVID-19 booster?

COVID-19 is on the rise in our communities, and the number of people getting infected with new variants of Omicron is rapidly increasing.

Boosters will help protect you, your family, your friends, and your community.

Look after yourself and your whanau.

Nga mihi,

Dr Nick Chamberlain

Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand

My evidence that Big Brother is watching us is that 24 hours after I received this email I received one apologising and correcting the earlier one. The error was that I was not entitled to a second booster because I had not had my first one. (The 14 July email said, “Why get a second COVID-19 booster?”. The 15 July email said I must get my first booster first.

For Te Whatu Ora to have such intimate knowledge of my immunisation history is frightening. They have me tabbed. I did not ask for this propaganda to be sent. It was thrust upon me.

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit SadButTrue

The tools of surveillance are there and the general public applaud. And they applaud because the media, especially Television NZ, TV3, Stuff and the NZ Herald have fully supported the government’s unwanted intrusion and surveillance of our lives.

The dis-information

The glossy coloured picture of the handsome good doctor in his trendy open neck shirt and mana-conferring designer sports coat tells the major lie: that my having a booster will “BOOST YOUR WHANAU PROTECTION”.

It will do no such thing.

It is a brilliantly clever piece of pure propaganda creating within the reader the fear of endangering one’s family — spouse, children and grandchildren — by not having the booster.

Not satisfied with stating the lie once, Dr Chamberlain repeats it:

“Protect your whanau over winter”.

Not satisfied with stating the lie twice Dr Chamberlain expands the lie:

“Boosters will help protect you, your family, your friends, and your community”.

So by failing to have the booster I am not only endangering my whanau, but worse, I put the lives and health of my friends and all the community in grievous jeopardy.

The Nazi experts in propaganda said that repetition is vital.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
This lie has been repeated in numerous TV ads for over two years and as Goebbels predicted the people believe it.

The government website tells you that getting vaccinated “keeps our tamariki safe”. The source is impeccable — a handsome Pakeha all-knowing doctor. And as our prime minister told us in 2021 we must believe what the government says concerning Covid:

‘Dismiss anything else, we will continue to be your single source of truth’

There have been numerous studies showing that vaccination only reduces the likelihood of severe illness in the person vaccinated and does not affect spreadability. To cite just one article, the Lancet Infectious Diseases journal 29 October 2021 published research showing that vaccination did not protect third parties such as whanau.

State sponsored propaganda, from a Labour Government, (that ironically benefits big pharma such as Pfizer), sent to me unsolicited is the most appalling breach of privacy.

It is aggravated by the fact that Big Brother knows my medical records, knows my address, knows I have whanau, knows I have a conscience and attempts to manipulate me into having a vaccination that may have no positive effect. Sadly that is today’s New Zealand, oops sorry, Aotearoa.
