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Big Fat Hypocrite Has a Big Whinge


Why does it always seem that the loudest-mouthed ranters are the most sensitive snowflakes imaginable as soon as someone dares say anything to them? Julie Bindel dubbed them “cry-bullies” for good reason. For some reason, they seem to be most predominant on the left.

Especially the Twitter left.

Magda Szubanski has urged for fat people to be protected from “vilification” on Twitter.

In a tweet shared on the platform over the weekend, the Aussie comedian said users were prohibited from expressing racist, religious and other radical views, yet she said it was fair game when it came to attacking overweight people.

“It’s interesting to me that you’re banned from attacking pretty much any identity on Twitter except being fat,” the 61-year-old tweeted. “Why are we not protected from defamation?”

In case Szubanski didn’t know it, it’s not defamation if it’s true. And it’s true that Szubanski is fat. Very fat. So, she’s not defamed if someone calls her fat on Twitter.

And “fat” isn’t an “identity”, no matter how much feminist porkers try and claim otherwise. It’s just a fact. As a gentleman of girth myself, I feel I am rather qualified to point that out. There are many things I “identify” as: “fat” isn’t one of them.

Szubanski is known for clapping back at online haters who have felt the need to criticise her weight.

Nine Honey Celebrity

No, she’s notorious for mouthing off whenever she pleases — and crying “victim” whenever anyone gives her a well-deserved serve back.

She’s especially notorious for bullying anyone — women, especially — on the conservative and/or religious side. Most notably, she copped a well-earned shellacking for her nasty slurs directed at former PM Scott Morrison’s wife, Jenny. Slurs most conspicuously directed at her appearance. She called Jenny Morrison’s sombre dress, in a photo-op for Prince Philip’s death, “creepy, chilling, terrifying, ominous, enraging, despairing and utterly, completely f**king depressing”. She also implied that Morrison was a white supremacist, drawing attention to an alleged “OK” gesture in a photo with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

She defended her post – which compared a conservatively dressed Mrs Morrison to a character from dystopian TV series The Handmaid’s Tale – by arguing the PM’s wife was fair game for criticism because she had ‘opted in’ to public life by offering her husband policy advice.

So, Magda, does that mean that you’re fair game, too, because you’ve opted to step out of your lane as a second-rate comedian and taken it upon yourself to offer all and sundry political advice?

Don’t be silly — it’s different when they do it.

Szubanski also gleefully piled on in the Twitter witch-hunt against Israel Folau.

And, as always, Szubanski tries to play the victim when her obnoxious loudmouthing blows up in her face. In response to the Jenny Morrison backlash, she claimed, improbably, that she was being used to distract attention from the then-scandal surrounding former Australia Post boss Christine Holgate — even though it was covered to saturation point by every major news outlet.

And of course she whined about “fat-shaming”.

The 60-year-old comedian didn’t stop there, going on to accuse the press of ‘fat shaming’ her by publishing photos of her taking a walk on her birthday with no commentary whatsoever on her appearance.

Daily Mail

Even more bizarrely, she accused celebrity chef Pete Evans of “fat shaming”, when he criticised her for shilling for Dictator Dan’s lockdowns, even though Evans didn’t say a word about her appearance.

Evans took offence to the ads and claimed the government was “brainwashing” children and families on his Facebook page, which he has used to peddle conspiracy theories during the pandemic.

“The most offensive and disgraceful ads I have ever seen in television are circulating in Victoria currently, using a few well known celebrities,” he wrote.

“It is so sad to see this type of brainwashing occurring to children and families in that state and have had enough of the lies. Enough is enough.

“Imagine if they actually wanted to help people get healthy … how would an ad like that look and sound?”

In one of the most unlikely twists imaginable, Szubanski has in fact chosen to lead the ABC’s “National Health Check”.

She’s here to lecture you about your health. The BFD.

I make no comment.

As the old saying goes, people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones — and people who spend their whole time throwing stones at others have no right to whinge when they get hit with a yonnie or two.

‘I see what the “Christian Soldiers” are doing here. They have drawn a “pink line” and I’m the Big Game. Let the fat shaming begin!’

Daily Mail

So, it’s OK for her to vilify Christians with no evidence whatsoever, but no-one is allowed to criticise the big, lardy princess back.


A Gun Lobby You Say?

A Gun Lobby You Say?

Bryce Edwards, and other lefty lickspittles with an axe to grind against the Government, keep on saying that Nicole McKee is in the thrall of the gun lobby. The only problem for them is that there isn’t such a thing.

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