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“The big lie is such a big lie that ordinary people like us think, ‘Well, that can’t be a lie because I would never tell such a big lie as that. We only lie in small ways’”

Adolf Hitler

Hitler might have ascribed the Big Lie to his enemies, but, as history shows, he and his henchmen weren’t averse to using it themselves. The Nazi dictator and his regime lied colossally and repeatedly, and it worked. For them. Because gentlemanly statesmen like Chamberlain simply couldn’t comprehend that the Nazis would tell such gargantuan, bald-faced lies as they did.

Authoritarians have taken the lesson of the Big Lie to heart, ever since.

The Big Lie of the authoritarian rainbow cult is that trannies are cowering in fear. The Big Truth is the complete opposite.

Don’t rely on the lying liars of the Aotearoa Staatspolizei, to tell the truth, though.

Police are urging anyone including members of the trans or rainbow community who are being threatened to contact them.

Sure — and police in Victoria, Australia’s version of socialist Aotearoa, said there that no refugees had been linked to terrorism, and that Africans were not over-represented in crimes. Except that nearly every terror attack in Australia in the past decade was committed by refugees or their immediate families. And Africans are at least thirty times more likely to commit assault, and an astonishing ninety times more likely to commit violent aggravated burglaries.

We might not tell such a big lie as that, but the police and state snitches will.

Police say violence or threatening behaviour towards people because of their sexual orientation, gender identity, race, faith, disability, and age is not acceptable.

Does that include tranny activists fracturing the faces of old ladies? Or trannies assaulting straight women?

Because, unlike the imaginary “hate” supposedly directed at trannies, that very real hate committed by trannies and activists actually happened.

And it was all at the instigation of another tranny.

Shaneel Lal was a central figure in the protest against the visit by Keen-Minshull.

They were [He was] recently named Young New Zealander of the Year for their [his] work for rainbow communities – including the fight to ban conversion therapy.

Did Kiwibank include his habit of making racist, homophobic and sexist comments on social media in their reckoning?

The spotlight has prompted a backlash. Lal previously told RNZ they have [he has] been threatened with violence and feared for their [his] safety at the awards ceremony and the threats prompted extra security at the event.

Once again, the violence from Lal’s whipped-up lynch mob was real. Lal is as hypocritical as a Klansman fretting that “them uppity negroes is gonna get me back for last week’s lynching”.

But there’s no Big Lie show without Stasi Punch.

Disinformation Project researcher Dr Sanjana Hattotuwa previously told RNZ the outpouring of hate towards the trans community triggered by Keen-Minshull visit was beyond anything he has seen.

“They are being hounded, harassed and harmed and hated upon online – to a degree we’ve never studied before.”

He needs to get out more. Perhaps then he might notice the “Stomp TERFs” and “Kill TERFs” signs, and the tranny activists trying to lynch women, while screaming abuse and assaulting people, openly in Auckland.

Hattotuwa said there was an “extremely strong correlation” between online hate and the possibility of physical violence.


Well, yes: that much at least we saw demonstrated by Shaneel Lal and his violent, hateful tirades against women, which whipped up a lynch mob in Auckland. We’ve seen it in the tranny mass shooter terrorists in America.

We can see right through you guys — and I mean guys — you know.

The “trans genocide” claim is a ridiculously laughable Big Lie. It’s a demonstrable fact that trannies are at less threat of murder than the general population. It’s a demonstrable fact that trannies are twice as likely to be killers as killed. It’s a demonstrable fact that trans creepers are sexually assaulting women.

The lie is bigger than the bulge in a tranny’s panties.


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