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‘Big mother’ wants global action against social media

Big mother Photoshopped image credit: Luke

At the moment, Grant Robertson is talking about a “Global conversation” and a “crackdown” on social media companies. He says that an announcement is coming soon.

Meanwhile every news bulletin from NewstalkZB yesterday morning seemed to have Wendy Petrie breathlessly claiming how great it is that New Zealand is leading the world in shutting down social media. Could it be that the Media party are onboard because they sense an opportunity to remove a competitor? Mainstream media have foolishly handed over their audience and their comment sections to social media instead of keeping them in-house. Perhaps they have finally realised their mistake.

[…] PM Jacinda Ardern wants global action against social media giants like Facebook

[…] Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern acknowledged work needed to be done so “horrendous” content wasn’t spread […]
“What we’re looking to is whether or not there’s a global appetite for us to move collectively.

Governments working collectively? That sounds an awful lot like global censorship and government control of private online businesses to me. “Big Brother” (or in our case big mother) would be watching our every move.

[…] “In the days following the attacks, the calls the Prime Minister was getting from world leaders, they were asking her ‘what can we do’ and I know she was having conversations with them saying ‘we all need to come together and present a united front to these tech companies’,” he said.

[…] While Government officials also looked at our domestic legislative framework, Robertson said a global response was necessary due to the international reach of the internet.

[…] He said arguments by social media companies that they are just “postmen” of content weren’t accurate, and instead they are publishers and should be held to the same standards as media outlets.
“Once you have that as your principle, you can then work from there and say there are rules for publishing.”

[…] I don’t think a blanket ban is a long-term answer.”

Australia […]  pushed ahead with legislation to introduce jail terms and fines for social media providers that didn’t act to remove violent material quickly.
Under Australia’s proposed laws, offences would be punishable by three years’ jail for executives of social media companies, or fines that could reach up to 10 percent of the platform’s global annual turnover.
end quote.


What I want to know is will the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment stop advertising on Facebook with adverts such as this one which clutters up my Facebook  page?

The government uses Facebook for political advertisements

Will the government make a stand by refusing to livestream post-cabinet press conferences?

Will the government shut down their Facebook and Twitter accounts and remove all their government Youtube accounts?


I didn?t think so.
