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Photo by 3534679. The BFD.

Matt Judd

So it’s the salad days between Christmas and New Year’s. Half of New Zealand is at the beach. Politics has declared a ceasefire. (Not that anyone was actively presenting opposition to government narratives anyway.) Many companies are closed, and it’s picnics and barbeques until February. Just like a Friday document dump in the beehive, sometimes the most interesting things happen while nobody is watching.

The new guidelines for the Pfizer vaccine are that it is four months before boosters are required. The British and Israelis say three months. Pfizer’s CEO, the veterinarian, Albert Bourla, suggests that two shots and two boosters may be required to defeat the Omicron variant. Omicron is sweeping the globe with its harsh symptoms of; a runny nose, a sore throat, some achy joints and some night sweats. What we’re talking about here are four injections to beat a variant that is unlikely to cause any more illness than the common cold.

Obviously, this means that the vaccine, forced upon Kiwis en masse is effective for three, maximum of four, months. Case numbers from Australia and the Northern Hemisphere would suggest that Omicron is impervious to our vaccines, boosted or not, and whether the vaccines protect against hospitalisation or death is impossible to say because Omicron is unlikely to even make you ill.

Joe Biden became president pretty much exclusively on the promise that he would end Covid. At today’s date, with three vaccines available for nearly a year, and the majority of Americans vaccinated, he has admitted defeat and handed the Covid response back to the States. There are more Covid fatalities under his government than under his predecessor.

Yesterday, the CDC announced that they are discontinuing their EUA for the RT-PCR test. They list some other diagnostic options on their webpage but they no longer endorse the test we have all had up our noses for the last two years. The suggestion that a new test is needed to differentiate between Covid and Influenza raises big question marks. What were we being tested against all these months?

We have endured months of rhetoric from the media and the government saying that; almost all the multiple adverse side effects that can occur after the Pfizer injections are rare and anyway, those same effects are worse if you get Covid. But now there’s a new MedRxiv preprint study following on from an earlier publication in Nature, which analysed forty-two million patients from the NHS, NIMS database, and found that all three of the vaccines in the UK including Pfizer, induced a higher risk of Myocarditis than catching Covid itself for males under forty years old.

After finally achieving his goal of ninety per cent vaccination in New Zealand, Ashley Bloomfield quietly sent out a letter to all Medical Practitioners to be on the lookout for heart problems post-vaccination after rubbishing reports of hundreds if not thousands of issues in New Zealand.

Social media is filled with stories of people being treated terribly when presenting with chest pains all around the country. Doctors flat out refused to hear vaccine adverse event complaints from their patients. How many people have been permanently damaged because this information was withheld by the Government for many months?

Whether or not, all this obvious information makes a material difference to the way we deal with Covid in this country is doubtful. Certainly, the evidence suggests that our bureaucrats are very slow to change direction in the face of new data. If summer talkback radio hosts are anything to go by, new data is very slow to get through to the traditional media too. Keep your ear to the ground while on holiday in New Zealand. The landscape is changing.


Face of the Day

Face of the Day

Kristofferson’s family confirmed his death on Sunday night, saying he “passed away peacefully” at home on Saturday. “We’re all so blessed for our time with him,” read the statement.

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