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Bob Jones on Why Life at 80 is Still Worth Living

Bob Jones

I suspect that lurking inside the body of Sir Bob Jones is the spirit of a mischievous boy. My husband has a similar boy inside his 50-year-old body and when his inner child is let loose, I guarantee you will laugh until you cry. This sense of fun is clearly the fountain of youth for Bob as he explains in his latest blog post.

[…] I was in York on a book?buying expedition.[…] On our final night there we popped into a Chinese restaurant and encountered this notice.
“Under 120 centimetres tall, free dining”.
Enquiry with the boss, a middle?aged Chinese lady with an evident sense of humour elicited the information that her previous sign that children under 5 were free saw bludgers bringing in kids, plainly much older and then arguing they were only 4, thus the centimetres sign.
Currently, my Scottish office is investigating the existence of a Scottish Dwarfs Association. If we can find one to elicit enough starters, (a minimum of 10 but hopefully lots more) I’ll be over in a shot and we’ll take them all down to York in a mini?bus and into this restaurant.
If my assessment of the Chinese lady proprietor is correct she will be into the piss-taking spirit and honour the commitment. But, subsequently, she will need help with a new sign.
“Children under 5, less than 120 centimetres” should do the trick and we will present it to her.
Having done that we will then […] after a month or so, return with a horde of kindergarten inmates […] It’s such worthy public spirited initiatives that at my age, makes life still worth waking up to each day.
