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Bombs Away and Spare Me the Sanctimony

Victory at all costs: for without victory, inhumanity triumphs.

Nurses, dentists and engineers from Gaza. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The biggest lie of the ‘pro-Palestine’ mob is that it’s all about the poor widdle civilians.

Don’t piss on our legs and tell us it’s raining.

If they were so worried about stopping wars and civilians being killed, where were they for the war in Darfur (300,000 dead), the Sudanese civil war (up to 150,000 dead), the Ukraine war (around 100,000 dead, including up to 25,000 civilians) and the Tigray war (up to 100,000 killed)? If the predominantly Muslim protest leaders are so concerned about their fellow Muslims, why no weekly mass protests for the Myanmar civil war (58,000 dead), or the Syrian civil war (a staggering 600,000+ dead)?

In fact, where were they when 1200 Israelis, many of them women and children, were not just killed, but tortured and raped and mutilated in front of their families, with the butchery proudly livestreamed?

They were celebrating.

Not just the cheering crowds watching live on jumbo screens in Gaza (before pouring into the massacre sites with wheelbarrows, to loot the dead), and as the corpses and hostages were paraded like trophy hunts, but the thousands in Western Sydney who danced and set off fireworks. All before they descended in a mob on the Sydney Opera House, bellowing ‘Gas the Jews!’

At this point, it’s customary to insert some pious palaver about ‘of course, every civilian death is a tragedy…’

Bugger that.

Call me callous, but I really don’t give a rat’s arse about civilians in Gaza. No more than George Orwell did about German civilians, when he took the pearl-clutching left to task in 1943. ‘Sheer humbug,’ as he said.

Why is it worse to kill civilians than soldiers? Obviously one must not kill children if it is in any way avoidable, but it is only in propaganda pamphlets that every bomb drops on a school or an orphanage. A bomb kills a cross-section of the population… War is not avoidable at this stage of history, and since it has to happen it does not seem to me a bad thing that others should be killed besides young men – George Orwell

There were justifiable reasons for Orwell’s dismissal of the fainting aunts of pacifism. Firstly, Germany (and Japan) had placed themselves beyond the pale of civilised standards. They simply deserved no pity and no quarter. The Gazans on October 7 rivalled the Rape of Nanjing for animal savagery.

It is, in effect, not merely the loss of innocent life that counts; it is also the circumstances in which it occurs. Thus, the fact that more than a million civilians were killed by Allied bombing during the Second World War, while millions of innocent Jews were being slaughtered by the Nazis, scarcely means that the Allies were no better than their adversaries […]

It is clear that the Nazis deliberately set out to butcher their innocent victims while the Allies, even when they incinerated entire cities, were not motivated by a desire to exterminate those cities’ populations. Their goal was to defeat the German and Japanese regimes whose very existence made peace impossible.

Secondly, Germany and Japan were total war states. The entire economy was turned over to waging war. When civilians worked producing armaments and other war material, and trained as militia to resist possible invasion, there was really no such thing as a ‘civilian’.

Gaza, as we’ve learned, is also a total war state. Its entire infrastructure and economy, and its population, is dedicated to a single purpose: killing Jews.

Schools and hospitals are used as ammo dumps, machine gun nests and command posts. Doctors, nurses and teachers work for Hamas. Many participated in the atrocities of October 7. ‘Civilian’ homes were used to conceal the openings to Hamas tunnels and hostages were kept and tortured in ‘civilian’ homes.

UN compounds and vehicles are openly used by Hamas terrorists. Aid shipments are appropriated by Hamas. Kilometres of water pipeline donated by the international community were cut up and used to make rockets to bombard Israeli civilians for years. Billions of dollars in aid disappeared into Hamas’ pockets.

So, spare me the sanctimony over ‘innocent civilians’.

And absolutely don’t give me any bullshit about ‘ceasefire now’. There is no other civilised recourse: Hamas, Hezbollah and all the proxies of the Iranian death cult must be crushed. Just as the Nazis had to be crushed, completely and utterly.

Not just for Israel’s sake, but all of us. As Bob Hawke said, If the bell tolls for Israel, it won’t just toll for Israel, it will toll for all mankind.

The Allies certainly knew that their actions were causing countless civilian deaths. But they believed, for good reason, that the moral responsibility for those deaths lay with the murderous regimes they were fighting.

And they also believed that it was not solely the people of the Allied countries who would benefit from their enemies’ defeat. Innocent German and Japanese lives would be saved too – saved from an ideology and a political domination so monstrous, so degrading even to those who might survive, that the consequences of its final victory were beyond imagining.

As a result, the moral imperative was not to immediately stop the bloodletting; it was to win the war.

As Orwell’s rebuttal shows, the Allies also had to deal with their ‘ceasefire now’ moralistic cowards. They rightly told them to shove it.

That is why the Allies adamantly rejected the proposals, made with increasing frequency by the Axis powers as defeat loomed, for truces, armistices and negotiated terms. Knowing those proposals were simply smokescreens that would allow warmongering regimes to regroup and rearm, they insisted on unconditional capitulation […]

In short, if an enduring peace was to be secured, there was no alternative to victory – which meant relentlessly prosecuting the war until an enemy for whom peace was not a virtue but a vice had been comprehensively defeated. Nothing else could have saved innocent lives; nothing else could have given shattered peoples a chance to rebuild.

Anyone who thinks a ceasefire will be used by the Jew-hating terrorists for anything but to regroup and have another go is not just gullible beyond belief, but has paid no attention to even recent history.

It is a fact as chilling as it is undeniable that the two worst genocides of recent years, those in Rwanda and Srebrenica, were the direct result of ceasefires that allowed the butchers to amass their forces, overwhelm their adversaries and annihilate entire ethnic groups in seas of blood.

So spare me the sanctimony. Shove the hypocrisy where the sun don’t shine.

This is a war for the sake of humanity and it must be won. And it can only be won by utterly crushing the enemies of humanity.

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