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Boo Hoo – MSM Don’t Like the Words Mainstream Media

Image credit Cam. The BFD.

As predicted, the crocodile tears about the falling trust in media have media commentators clutching their pearls. Apparently, words matter, and they really don’t like being called “mainstream media”:

When Twitter owner Elon Musk labels publicly funded independent broadcaster as ‘state-affiliated media’, we have a problem.

When the public believes that the news media is in the government’s pocket, we have an even bigger problem.


It’s not a problem to tell the truth about the propaganda press. We are sick of them shilling for the incumbent Labour Government.

When alternative media keeps labelling the news media as ‘mainstream media’ for political purposes, we have a problem that needs to be solved.


Changing the words won’t solve the problem. Being better at your job is how you solve the problem. Actually speaking truth to power rather than banking cheques from the power is how you solve the problem.

This peddling of false narratives about news media has to stop, and perhaps it will as news corporations fight back. It is refreshing to see that.

It’s not false, it’s true. See how they gaslight you? Here are facts about New Zealand…

The mainstream media are all bludgers, state beneficiaries, and their editorial independence is controlled by way of the funding agreements from the Public Interest Journalism Fund, which dropped the last lot of hooter for the bludgers just before Jacinda Ardern left Parliament.

In early April, Twitter removed the blue verification tick of the New York Times account. The news outlet is “Elon Musk’s most despised news organisation.” The NYT has said that it will not pay Musk for a blue badge which tells users that the account is authentic.

In response, Musk tweeted that the news outlet’s “propaganda isn’t even interesting” and that “their feed is the Twitter equivalent of diarrhoea.”

On Wednesday, NPR – an American public radio network – left Twitter after the platform labelled it first as ‘state-affiliated media’, indicating the nonprofit broadcaster is similar to propaganda media outlets affiliated with authoritarian governments.

After protests from NPR, Twitter changed the company’s label to ‘government-funded media’ which according to NPR, is misleading, because only 1 percent of its funding comes from the public purse.

A couple of days earlier, Twitter characterised the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) as ‘government-funded media’, to which the BBC objected. It argued it is not government funded but ‘publicly funded’ as it collects a licence fee from the public.

Many argue that the BBC is in fact government funded, but the licence fee is paid by the public, not the government and there is a difference in how this is perceived by the public.


Whining and mewling like a cut cat about being labelled for what they are. The same labels should be applied to our own media if they are receiving substantial funds from government organisations. Those funds have corrupted and polluted our media. They should be labelled accordingly.

Labelling matters and how we talk about media funding has implications for trust in news and news media.

In 2022, JMAD’s Trust in News in Aotearoa New Zealand report, which I co-authored, showed that the trust in news has declined because a large number of New Zealanders believe the news media is just an extension of the government.

In 2022, one respondent to our survey said: “I am disgusted that we are unable to trust the mainstream media, who are now just the propaganda wing of the government” and another one that the “Public Interest Journalism Fund has made me trust the news media less”.

While in 2023 many respondents did not mention the PIJF, some narratives continued to appear in comments. “Mainstream media are losing credibility because they have become government puppets who no longer report the real truth. They’re not even interested in investigating real truth.”


How typical. Don’t like the message, that people think the media are venal, self-interested and corrupted? No matter, just gaslight them and abuse them; say, “they are wrong and so we need to stamp this sort of talk out”.

This brings me to the point of using the term ‘mainstream media’. In general, mainstream media refers to traditional or established news corporations which include print, television, radio and online news outlets.

In academia, we like to talk about journalistic institutions because it is in these organisations that journalism is practised and news is produced. In this context, news production refers to the practice of writing and producing stories that have verified data and sources and are fact-checked.

Alternative media may include newspapers, magazines, radio stations, websites and so on. Typically, alternative media outlets are owned by individuals rather than corporates and they have largely emerged because their owners feel that their and their audiences’ voices are not heard in traditional news media.

Alternative outlets often support a cause or have a political leaning and they position themselves as ‘us’ versus ‘them’, and as truth-tellers in contrast to ‘mainstream media’ which they frame as an enemy.


That’s because the mainstream media ARE the enemy of the people. We saw what you did during the pandemic. You were nothing other than handmaidens of the regime, the propaganda press, who attacked, othered, shamed and destroyed anyone who challenged the Labour Government’s propaganda. We learned not to trust you, because of your lies and your shilling, and now you are flummoxed as to why we hate you.

As Massey University academic Sean Phelan puts it, “this language is then normalised in far-right media channels, sometimes with considerable success that might leave one wondering about the precise location of the mainstream”.

On social media platforms and in news media outlets’ comment sections, the narrative of ‘mainstream media’ as corrupt and ‘woke’ continues to flourish. In reference to the appearance of Posie Parker in Auckland’s Albert Park and the related protests, one person commented on social media that the event exposed how “corrupt and biased” the mainstream media is and how it only pushes “politicians’ agenda”.

The term ‘mainstream media’ has been highly politicised and weaponised by those who don’t believe in a news media that values verified facts and information. I believe that it is time for that term to go.


There they go again, demonising people’s opinions as “far-right” when they don’t match their worldview. It’s got to the point when even Pol Pot would be described as far-right by these morons.

If you don’t like how you are described then change, be better news organisations, stop gaslighting us, stop lying to us, and stop forcing your woke agenda down our throats. Report the news. It isn’t that hard.

The reason I do what I do, and make a living out of it, is because our readers trust us more than the mainstream media. That’s why we have a growing membership base while their subscriptions are shrinking.

We are playing the best game we can with our meagre, reader-funded resources. We are belting home runs against other organisations that are funded to the tune of millions of dollars by the state. Both Newsroom and The Spinoff received $11 million of state funding. We received nothing – and our traffic numbers beat them all day long.

We can do so much more, but only if you become members. Right now we are running a promotion for 30% off our memberships. What is stopping you from going ahead today?



Of course, you can always just donate if you don’t want a regular membership. You can help fund the creation of our own NewsDesk so that we can show the mainstream media how journalism should be done.

While the mainstream media bleat and moan saying that “words matter”, we believe at The BFD that deeds matter more. Send the mainstream media a message by subscribing to us, not them. Put YOUR money where OUR mouth is.

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