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Boozy Does a Backdoor Job on Gullible New Zealand

“I wonder how much free stuff I can get in New Zealand?”

Damn, I hate being right, sometimes.

Remember when I warned you that festering parasite Behrouz Boochani was about to fasten his leech-like jaws on New Zealand’s pale, quivering flesh after you unwisely bared your bums to the greedy leech?

Well, guess what?

It’s my understanding that the Ardern Govt has been informed by Immigration New Zealand that Behrouz Boochani has applied for asylum.

It was only a few weeks ago that I issued my warning to you Kiwis. My, how fast these fellows can go, when there’s a lifetime of free welfare on offer.

Let’s see how true Immigration New Zealand are to their word, now.

New Zealand’s immigration service has said the Kurdish-Iranian asylum seeker and journalist Behrouz Boochani will not get special treatment if he overstays his visitor visa […] Greg Patchell, the deputy chief executive of Immigration New Zealand, said Boochani was a recognised refugee with UNHCR status but had already been accepted for resettlement by the US and would be staying only temporarily in New Zealand.

“If he claims asylum in New Zealand, an independent statutory process decides his claim. Government ministers have no role in this process.”

Patchell said Boochani’s visitor visa had been granted only because officials were satisfied that he “genuinely intends a temporary stay in New Zealand”.

Is Patchell really so naive? Or does he just think the New Zealand people are stupid enough to have believed such an obvious lie?

Anyway, if Boozy really wants to seal his passport to the New Zealand welfare state, maybe he ought to join some violent gangs and turn his hand to smuggling drugs. His mates back on Manus could give him a few tips, there.

Still, at least that’s one less leech on Australia’s arse. We’re glad to be jack of this unwelcome, ungrateful freeloader.

He’s all yours now, New Zealand. Enjoy.
