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What could possibly go wrong? The BFD.

If you were to believe the mainstream American media or the Democrats, well… more fool you. But if you were so foolish, you’d absolutely, adamantly, vehemently deny that America is in the grip of an illegal immigration crisis. As perennially-cretinous bootlicker Robert Reich spluttered, “there’s no border crisis”. It’s just “another Big Lie” from Republicans.

This makes it doubly odd that Democrats are planning to force private residences in New York to house illegal immigrants.

During a Monday press brief addressing the city’s illegal immigration crisis following the expiration of Title 42, Mayor Eric Adams said, “It is my vision to take the next step to this faith-based locales and then move to a private residence.”

The Post-Millennial

For years, deep-blue New Yorkers have voted for open borders policies. And for years, the resulting crisis only affected far-away red states.

Now, though, the results of their beloved open borders are coming right home to New Yorkers’ doorsteps. Hypocritical as ever, Democrats are turning to the despised Christians to bail them out.

With Republican governors in Southern border states sending illegal immigrants north to sanctuary cities like New York, Adams has turned to the faith community, proposing a plan to utilize houses of worship as temporary shelters for asylum-seekers as the city struggles to cope.

“As we continue to tackle this humanitarian crisis, I’m proud that through this new partnership with New York Disaster Interfaith Services, New York City’s faith community will be able to provide shelter to asylum-seekers in need at houses of worship throughout the five boroughs,” Adams said in a statement on Monday.

Under the two-year partnership, up to 50 houses of worship or faith-based spaces will provide overnight accommodation for up to 19 single adult men at each location. The normal activities of these spaces will continue during the day, while the city plans to establish five “daytime centers” for additional programming.

The Epoch Times

Homeless Americans, especially veterans, can only dream of such taxpayer-funded indulgence. I guess that’s the dreaded “white privilege” for you.

According to data from the Office of Management and Budget, City Hall spends $380 per night to house illegal immigrants, while Adams’ new plan to stick them in places of worship would cost taxpayers $125 per night, the outlet reports.

And enforcing the border would cut the bill for housing illegal immigrants even further. But “progressive” New Yorkers would never countenance such a thing.

Until they find the city dumping illegals on their doorsteps.

Adams said he envisions “the next step” to include expanding beyond faith-based spaces to sheltering illegal immigrants in the spare rooms of private residences, utilizing spare rooms in households of everyday New Yorkers […]

The Adams administration is also working on a deal with the state legislature that would bring illegal basement apartments up to code, which is one step closer to getting illegal immigrants into private homes.

But never underestimate the capacity of a Democrat to pass the buck. Just as well-heeled, progressive residents of Martha’s Vineyard saw to it that busloads of illegals were airlifted from their exclusive neighbourhoods within a day, New Yorkers are offloading Biden’s illegals out to redder areas.

The Adams administration has been packing illegal immigrants residing in NYC onto buses and shipping them to Orange County and Rockland County in Upstate New York, specifically the city of Newburgh.

The Post-Millennial

It shouldn’t surprise you to learn that those counties lean more heavily Republican than New York City.

Over 5 million illegal immigrants have crossed into the United States since Biden took office.

“This influx of asylum seekers is a serious crisis, one that New York City is facing largely on our own. It’s unfair and it’s not right that New York is going through this,” Adams said […]

The mayor reiterated the urgent need for real immigration reform, recognizing that the current approach is unsustainable.

The Epoch Times

And, just like that, Democrats are finally admitting that Biden has created a border crisis.
All it took was some illegals getting dumped in their swanky neighbourhoods.


The Fall of Constantinople and the Folly of the West

The Fall of Constantinople and the Folly of the West

The battle for freedom is here, and it’s now, and we must do what we can. That means we seriously need to look at our immigration policies. We need to wake the hell up, because we are letting the enemy of our hard-won freedoms literally walk in through the front door.

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