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“Yes, Nanny – I have been a bad climate boy!” The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The French used to refer to sadomasochism as le vice Anglais, hinting that infant exposure to harshly disciplinarian nannies bestowed the English upper-classes with a fetish for sexual humiliation. Watching the sad decline of Prince Harry – once a hulking, military blue-blood, now a snivelling, wet ginger, a George Roper in an expensive suit – under the thumb of an American harridan, it’s obvious that the French were onto something.

Then there’s Boris Johnson.

Under the whip of his ultra-Woke fiancée, Carrie Symonds, a typically upper-middle-class climate-botherer, the former Conservative giant, the would-be British Trump, has turned into a blubbering green blimp. Now, he’s trying to get Scott Morrison to kiss the green nanny’s whip.

Boris Johnson has urged Australia to create “new high-quality jobs from Perth to Penrith” by signing up to net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

The British Prime Minister told News Corp Australia the world was on course for “catastrophic global warming”, including more intense bushfires, unless dirty coal was ditched.

And while he said that each country’s energy mix was its own decision, he indicated that nuclear power provided reliable low-carbon energy.

Oh, sod off, Boris. Out of all that, he’s only said one sensible thing: nuclear is the only currently-viable low-carbon, baseload-reliable energy source we have. Everything else about “catastrophic global warming” and “green jobs” is unscientific garbage.

Britain has banned the sale of petrol and diesel cars from 2030, and plans to generate 250,000 new green jobs through a $7bn investment scheme, and wants to make London’s City district the centre of global green finance.

Britain has also plunged its lowest-earners into “energy poverty”, with a resultant “cold home public health crisis”. The green-driven moronic rush for “net zero by 2050”, and a fracking ban, have sent electricity prices skyrocketing to the point where elderly Britons are unable to afford heating. Even Britain’s energy regulator admits that 5,500 people froze to death in 2019, because of green-induced energy poverty.

The great danger for Australia is that whipped Boris’s green simpering will rub off on Scotty from Marketing.

Scott Morrison has resisted making an iron-clad commitment to net zero emissions by 2050, although the government’s position has been that it was “preferable”.

Mr Johnson said[…]“Net zero will be on the agenda for the G7 in June — we have seen the US, South Korea and Japan recently commit to reaching the target by the middle of the ­century and I’m hoping to see a positive announcement from Australia,” he said.

Mr Johnson said there were opportunities for new jobs in a green economy.

The Australian

That’s utter garbage, of course. As experience has shown, the “green economy” sheds jobs at an alarming rate. Going green cost California a 7% job drop; even its “core green economy” shed thousands of jobs. Germany’s “green jobs” have halved in less than a decade. A Spanish economist found 2.2 jobs were lost for every green job that was created in that country.

So shove off with your bogus green English vice, Boris. And keep out of Scotty’s ear.

“Yes, Nanny – I have been a bad climate boy!” The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

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