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Are you tryin’ to be funny, sunshine? The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As Lauren Southern points out in her book, Barbarians, the Long March through the Institutions is not a conspiracy theory. It’s a conspiracy fact. We know it for a fact because Marxist theorists in the late 60s told us what they were going to do, and how. They planned to overthrow capitalist democracy by spending the next few decades quietly infiltrating every institution of Western civilisation — what they dub “repressive state apparatus” — and overturning it from the inside.

They’ve succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. Entertainment and academia were the low-hanging fruit. Corporations were a surprisingly easy pushover, in the last decade or so. Even the most repressive of repressive state apparatus has been all-but conquered, from the top-down.

The Age newspaper reported this week that 62-year-old Sergeant Bruno Staffieri was interviewed by officers from Professional Standards Command over an online comment he made to an officer working in the Gender Equality and Inclusion Command.

This is the police force, remember, which opened fire with rubber bullets, not just at Melbourne’s iconic Flinders Street Station, but at one of its most sacred spaces, the Shrine of Remembrance. The same police force which pepper-sprayed old ladies before smashing them into the road. The same police who cracked a young man’s head open on the pavement at Flinders Street, for no apparent reason.

The same police force who meekly tagged along behind a deranged ISIS sympathiser for hours while he rampaged across multiple Melbourne suburbs, only begrudgingly intervening when he mowed down dozens of pedestrians in the CBD.

If only the driver had shouted incorrect pronouns instead of Allahu ackbar!

Staffieri reportedly wrote:

‘So you are doing tertiary education studying genders. I’ll make it easy for you to pass … there are 2’ […]

Staffieri, who has been an officer for more than 35 years and is close to retirement, could lose his job because of the online comments.

If anything, the officer’s biggest crime is being a bloody funny bugger.

Staffieri was also investigated over his public criticism of the government’s decision to cancel Australia Day and Anzac Day celebrations last year, but allow the Gay Pride March in St Kilda to proceed.

‘So the next time Australians are sent out to fight a war, maybe we can send out the 8,000 that marched today … and try to stop the enemy by waving feathers and brightly coloured boas at them,’ Staffieri reportedly posted on May 17, 2021.

‘Triple-zero. What’s your emergency?’

‘Sergent Staffieri objected to the Mardi Gras.’

‘Does anyone need help?’

‘Yes. We are all very hurty.’

‘Does Sergeant Staffieri have a weapon?’

‘It’s his words. His words! Words are violence.’

‘Stay in a safe space and practice socially distancing until a squad car full of thought police arrives.’

But the good Sarge saved his best lines for his own boss.

In June last year, Victoria Police Deputy Commissioner Neil Paterson posted on Yammer, the force’s internal communication platform, that…

‘Victoria Police is proud to have been recognised as a silver employer at the 2021 Australian LGBTQ+ inclusion awards.’

Staffieri reportedly responded by posting:

‘Yes, I agree. Great achievement. But if the public knew how much time, effort, and taxpayer dollars went into this, they would also be demanding why we didn’t get a gold.’

Like all wokesters, though, the deputy commissioner had a humour bypass as part of his diversity re-orientation surgery.

Paterson fired a broadside back at Staffieri…

‘I don’t respect or value your views as they are offensive and there is no place for those views in Victoria Police… Either limit your comments on Yammer to comments that are respectful of everyone or consider your employment options.’

Spectator Australia

Thoughtcrime will not be tolerated at VicPol. Now that’s a repressive state apparatus, for you.
