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Brand Trannie Shoots Itself in the Foot

The BFD.

Saturday’s violence at Albert Park unleashed a tsunami of evidence that violence is not only condoned, it is totally acceptable when select groups are threatened.

The Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence attended the “Let Women Speak” rally – not to support women – but to support members of the trans community.

Prior to the rally leading rainbow activist Shaneel Lal said he would attend but “felt threatened”. Lal expected violence.

But actual violence, as opposed to threats, came from within the rainbow community, not the women who came to listen or speak, although retaliation to attack cannot be ruled out.

Does anyone understand the depravity burbling away within the loosely termed ‘rainbow community’? Shaneel Lal, an adviser to Prime Minister Chris Hipkins and the Co-Leader of the Greens Party, Marama Davidson, clearly don’t.

Extremists are absolutely delighted with the vindication of their chosen lifestyle which some of us would not wish upon any young person.

Using women’s public toilets will be much less attractive after the following disclosure from the same sick individual. How many more of these people are out there? And who will rein them in now that they believe they have public approval?

Someone just told me I get off by dressing up as a woman. Little do they know is I get off in bed with my hubby or in women’s bathrooms, in the cubicle next to them.

CrimsonStarlight Twitter Feed

Obviously, this is the extreme edge of a disparate rainbow community, but won’t someone at least acknowledge the threat to women and youngsters using public toilets?

Disclaimer: children are curious and my grandchildren had to be taught not to look under the cubicle wall to see what’s going on next door.

Will anyone be charged with the many assaults?

If the rainbow community refuses to get involved and our MSM and politicians look the other way, what is left for the ever-shrinking healthy community whose world is becoming sicker by the day?
