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Braverman Mounts Brave Defence of Britain

Suella Braverman. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

After Boris Johnson proved to be such a colossal disappointment, on the heels of the colossal disaster that was Teresa May, for a brief, shining moment it seemed as though Britain’s Conservatives might be headed up by an actual conservative and effective politician, in Kemi Badenoch. But, instead of a politically effective, actual conservative, Britain ended up lumbered with Rishi Sunak.

Are there any conservatives left in the Conservative Party? More importantly, is there anyone left with the sheer political clout of a Margaret Thatcher, to once again save a breaking, floundering Britain?

There may be a glimmer of hope in Suella Braverman.

White people should not feel any sense of ‘collective guilt’ over their historic role in slavery, the Home Secretary claimed today.

Suella Braverman lashed out at people today being ‘blamed for things that happened before they were born’ as she gave an incendiary and wide-ranging speech to a right wing conference.

Ms Braverman, the daughter of immigrants, lashed out at the legal immigration policy of Rishi Sunak’s government – in which she is a senior minister – and demanded it be tightened to favour domestic workers.

You name an idiot policy held dear by the Establishment, over the wishes of the British people, Braverman fired a broadside at it. Climate alarmism, multiculturalism, open borders, transgenderism: no sacred elite cow was safe. It was all enough to send a Guardian-reading, BBC-watching wokeist screaming back to the safety of Islington.

In comments that will further fuel suggestions she is maneuvering to eventually replace Mr Sunak as a right wing challenger, she used her London speech to fire heavy artillery in the culture war.

To a receptive audience – apart from two protesters who interrupted her – she mocked Keir Starmer over gender recognition, saying he could be ‘Labour’s first female prime minister’.

She even dared say what the BBC, the UK Police, sundry local councils, and hundreds of social workers tried to keep from the public eye for decades.

She also said that multiculturalism was ‘a recipe for communal disaster’ and doubled down on controversial remarks last month about grooming gangs being ‘all almost all British-Pakistani’.

The horror! She didn’t even use the deceitful euphemism “Asian”: as if hundreds of Japanese were out raping white British girls for decades with virtual impugnity.

She also pointed out the glaring, inconvenient fact of history: it was white people who abolished the previously universal practise of slavery.

‘The defining feature of this country’s relationship with slavery is not that we practised it, but that we led the way in abolishing it. We should be proud of who we are.’

Braverman also took aim at the ruling cult of the modern left: multiculturalism.

The Home Secretary told the National Conservatism conference: ‘People who come here should embrace and respect this country. They must not commit crimes. They may practise any faith or none, and they need to respect everyone else’s right to do the same.

‘They need to learn English and understand British social norms and mores, which is not to say that they cannot enrich and add to our culture. Above all, they cannot simply turn up and say: ”I live here now, you have to look after me”.

‘My parents came here through legal and controlled migration. They spoke the language. They threw themselves into the community. They embraced British values.’

She continued: ‘The unexamined drive towards multiculturalism as an end in itself, combined with identity politics, is a recipe for communal disaster.’

Like Australians before them, Britons are fed up with seeing boatloads of African and Middle-Eastern freeloaders force their way into the country and, worse, the state rewarding them with taxpayer-funded accommodation and welfare. If any issue is going to set the Conservatives apart and give them a hope of retaining government, it’s reigning in mass illegal immigration.

In the year to June 2022, net migration hit a record 504,000, said the Office for National Statistics (ONS). But estimates suggest it has rocketed to between 650,000 and 997,000 for the year to December. Official ONS figures will be published on May 25.

Daily Mail

Which doesn’t count the dinghies swarming across the Channel and disgorging the excess males of North Africa and the Middle-East.

When even Euro-Woke Central, Germany, is planning to finally, belatedly, shut its borders to illegal immigrants, the jig is well and truly up.

And no-one should be vilified for wanting to keep their country their own.
