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Breaking FAKE News, for Immediate Release

The BFD.

In a remarkable, if unseemly exhibition yesterday, New Zealand’s largest news outlet lowered its standards to its ankles and threw them out on the political stage, hoping, begging perhaps, to be noticed by the star attraction amongst the many others braying for her attention.

Good grief NZ Herald:

The BFD.

“Fisherman’s Friend” Jacinda Ardern the most popular prime minister in a century at 56.5%.

Also NZ Herald: National Prime Minister John Key at 67.7%, (less than a century ago):

Also NZ Herald: National Prime Minister John Key at 70.3%, (less than than a century ago):

My, oh my, how quickly standards, like centuries it seems, come and go.

Note: The percentages are slightly off in this meme found on a National party supporters Meme page

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