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Britain’s Shops, Pubs – Closing Down

Cheap, abundant energy has been critical to the high standard of living enjoyed in the West. Has been.

Because now, thanks to the mad delusions of the Climate Cult, cheap, abundant energy is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. And that’s just with a still-small penetration of “renewables” in most developed countries, with the rare exceptions of nations with abundant hydro-electric resources.

In an inexorable progression, the higher the penetration of “renewables”, the higher the spiralling electricity costs.

The knock-on effects are already devastating. Farmers in Nordic countries are ploughing entire crops back into the ground because they can’t afford cold storage any more.

Britain’s small businesses are facing an existential crisis this winter.

Pubs are being driven towards ‘extinction’ by soaring energy bills – with as many as seven in ten saying they will not survive the winter.

Two-thirds of pubs said their bills have more than doubled this year, while almost one in ten (8 per cent) have seen them rise by more than 500 per cent.

It’s not just Britain’s iconic pubs.

More than half of small companies — 54 per cent — fear their running costs could force them to close, according to a report by SME Insights and insurer Simply Business […]

Last night, experts warned that the energy crisis could ‘shut down’ Britain this winter, leaving high streets devoid of pubs, shops and restaurants.

For the family-run Ainsty Farm Shop in North Yorkshire, bills are set to more than triple, from £20,000 to £76,000 a year. They’re not the only ones facing financial ruin.

There were 20,200 fewer businesses between April and June this year than there were during the same period last year — the largest loss recorded by Labour researchers in five years […]

Andrew Goodacre, chief executive of the British Independent Retailers Association, says scores of firms have been struggling since late last year. He predicts many will try to stay open over Christmas, hoping for increased sales, but that the crunch point will come in the New Year.

And with households having to tighten their own purse strings, he fears a bleak winter ahead.

Across the Channel, things are no less bleak for households.

Half of households face fuel poverty as soaring energy bills threaten a ‘dramatic and catastrophic winter’, a top energy boss has warned.
EDF managing director Philippe Commaret sounded the alarm over rocketing energy prices as a new industry analysis suggested the typical annual cost of heat and light could hit an astonishing £6,552 by the spring.

Separately, the National Grid is war-gaming the risk of gas and electricity shortages this winter amid claims that there is a one in ten chance of blackouts.

Daily Mail

And the gaspolizei are on the prowl in Switzerland.

Switzerland is considering jailing anyone who heats their rooms above 19C for up to three years if the country is forced to ration gas due to the Ukraine war […]

Additionally, according to the potential measures, temperatures in gas-heated buildings can be no more than 19C (66.2F), with water heated up to 60C (140F).

Rather tellingly, police are hailing the snitch culture perfected during Covid as the perfect response to an energy crisis as well.

Senior police officer Fredy Fassler states that he doesn’t think they’ll even need police to enforce the measures — not when they’ve already trained their citizens to be good little Stasi.
Mr Fassler used the COVID-19 pandemic as an example, stating according to the report that there had been a ‘culture of denunciation.’

His sentiment was echoed by SVP Economics Minister Guy Parmelin who last Wednesday said: ‘We are not a police state’

Daily Mail

Did he actually say that with a straight face?
