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Britain’s Sikhs Win a Victory for Truth

Britain’s Sikhs have won a major victory against the mendacious media. The BFD.

You’ve got to feel for Britain’s Sikhs. In almost every way, they’re the success story of British immigration. A strong work and family ethic has seen Britain’s Sikh community notch up notable success in everything from education to employment, affluence and home ownership. Britain’s Sikhs are known for their charitable work and patriotism; more than 20 Sikh British were recognised in the Queen’s Birthday honours list in 2020.

For all that, though, they’re lumped by the British left-media under the misleading banner, “Asians”. The media aren’t the only ones to confuse Sikhs with other groups of course: clueless racists too often confuse the turbanned and bearded Sikhs for Muslims – and so do the media. Deliberately.

Throughout the massive coverup that saw up to a million girls victimized by Muslim rape gangs over decades, the media has been calling the perpetrators “Asian.”

The media’s deliberate misinformation campaign is just an extension of the decades-long effort by British officialdom to keep what they knew was happening under the carpet – for no other reason than to protect Muslims. They’re still at it: even the British government itself is being actively frustrated by politically-correct bureaucrats determined to keep the truth hidden.

In 2018, then-Home Secretary Sajid Javid ordered an investigation into the ethnic origin of sexual grooming gangs. Javid, “whose own family roots are in Pakistan, said understanding more about gang networks would ‘support a more targeted response by the police and other agencies.’”

In February 2020, the investigation had still not been made public, and the current Home Secretary, Priti Patel, was reported to have been “given the run around by officials” over the release of the report. Two months later, the UK government rejected a petition of 120,000 signatures that demanded release of the report. British citizens were rightly outraged[…]

Finally, in May a public outcry forced the government to reverse itself and promise to publish the report. But that promise was made merely to turn public attention away from the issue. Seven months later, the report has still not appeared.

And through all this, the media keep right on obfuscating, still calling the perpetrators “Asian” rather than what they are known to be: Pakistani Muslims.

The faces of Britains’ “Asian” child-rape gangs: spot any Sikhs? The BFD.

Britain’s Sikh community has had enough.

The Network of Sikh Organisations, however, is forcing acknowledgement of the identity of these perpetrators. Following the organization’s campaign against the “blanket ‘Asian’ description” of the perpetrators, the Editors’ Code of Practice Committee is recommending “against using the word ‘Asian’ when referring to the phenomenon of predominantly Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs in news reports.”

The Network of Sikh Organizations is “a registered charity representing 130 gurdwaras (temples) and other Sikh organizations in the UK, hailed the revelation that the 2020 Editors’ Code of Practice review — which will come into effect on January 1st, 2021 — cautioned against using the blanket term when discussing child rape gangs.”

For Sikh British, the media’s long campaign of disinformation is particularly galling, considering that Sikh children as well as white were the deliberate targets of the Pakistani Muslim child-rape gangs.

“We’ve long complained about the vague term ‘Asian’ to describe those convicted in sexual grooming gang cases,” the Network of Sikh Organisations wrote on social media[…]

The NSO has said for years that the British press should abandon the “vague and expansive” term, arguing that Sikhs would be lumped in with mostly Pakistani Muslims in the minds of the public when thinking about the grooming gang epidemic, which has ravaged British cities such as Rochdale, Rotherham, Oxford, and Telford for decades.

Not only have Sikhs not been found to be the perpetrators of grooming gang crimes, but Sikhs have also in fact been victims of the grooming gang scourge. A 2018 report from the Sikh Mediation and Rehabilitation Team found that young Sikh women were targeted by Muslim grooming gangs for decades. The report alleged that police ignored the plight of the young Sikh women because of “political correctness”[…]

“To put it frankly, the word ‘Asian’ gives the false impression gangs of Indian, Thai, Japanese, or Korean men are rampaging across Britain sexually abusing underage white girls on an industrial scale. Is that fair?” the NSO wrote.

“The common denominator in such cases is the deliberate targeting of non-Muslim girls, which we believe should be categorized by the police as a hate crime,” the Sikh group added.

Jihad Watch

Forcing the media to stop lying is a great victory for the Sikh British community – and for the truth.

Britain’s Sikhs have won a major victory against the mendacious media. The BFD.

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