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A statue of Winston Churchill – the revered British PM who led the fight against very real Nazis – was defaced by BLM activists. The BFD.

When President Donald Trump denounced Black Lives Matter and its intellectual underpinning, Critical Race Theory, as racist and divisive the media-left had conniptions. How dare the Bad Orange Man criticise the newest leftist religion?

Well, as it turns out, a great many people agree with Trump. Not least ‘people of colour’ themselves.

A majority of people believe Black Lives Matter, the anti-racism movement that spread across the UK this summer, has increased racial tension, according to a poll.

Just over half (55%) of UK adults believe the BLM protests that took place in big cities but also in the Shetland Islands and the Isle of Wight, increased racial tensions, according to a survey of more than 2,000 people by pollsters Opinium. Only 17% of the people polled in October disagreed. The polling also showed 44% of ethnic minorities felt BLM increased racial tensions.

Not only is there a (slim) majority consensus that BLM is race-baiting garbage, but very few people actually take the opposing view. Less than one-in-five Britons actually think BLM is a good thing.

Of course, the dutifully-woke Guardian blames it all on whitey.

White people were more likely to believe that the BLM movement, which was given fresh momentum by global outrage at the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis in May, had increased racial tensions, Opinium found. Those citing that concern most were Conservative voters, with 78% saying they believed it had inflamed tensions and just 6% saying it hadn’t.

Race relations experts point out that senior Conservatives attacked BLM in forthright language, with the former chancellor Sajid Javid saying last month it was “neo-Marxist” and “not a force for good”. Kemi Badenoch, the equalities minister, has urged schools not to support the “political” movement in lessons[…]

Prof Kalwant Bhopal, director of the Centre for Research in Race and Education at the University of Birmingham, said the results suggested BLM had made some white people “feel their privilege is being threatened and questioned”.

“When they see something like BLM they do what they can to protect it and there is a backlash,” she said. She added that the response of some institutions, such as universities, to pledge support for the goals of BLM, had created a “mask of inclusion” which obscured a reluctance to deliver real change. This was seen by some minority ethnic people as evidence of division, she said.

Yep, Sajid Javid and Kemi Badenoch – typical conservative white racists…

Sajid Javid and Kemi Badenoch: white racists. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

In fact, as another black Briton, Calvin Robinson a schoolteacher and campaigner for Defund the BBC and Don’t Divide Us explains, BLM really are very, very racist.

Calvin Robinson and his white privilege. The BFD.
“Every time I’ve spoken out against BLM using CRT [Critical Race Theory], they attack me with racially derogatory terms. Apparently, black people must all think the same way. If we go off-script, we’re race-traitors, ‘Bounties’, and ‘coons’. It seems BLM don’t support racial equality after all, because if they did, surely they’d encourage diversity and expect black people to hold many different views across the political spectrum.”

Calvin Robinson

So when even a significant minority of non-whites are calling out BLM for what it is – racist, neo-Marxist garbage – it’s time to stop trying to explain it away as just wicked whitey and his so-called “privilege”.

Not at all racially divisive. The BFD.

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