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The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Luke

Not satisfied with blindly and non-analytically peddling the government’s propaganda and presenting Jacinda Ardern as the saviour of the nation, covering her in yet more fairy dust and glitter, without questioning the veracity or accuracy of her utterances, the New Zealand Herald last week joined our schoolmarm, scolding prime minister to lecture us about our behaviour.

Covid 19 coronavirus: Why New Zealand could head back into lockdown soon

The reasonably innocuous headline implies knowledge that we are inevitably headed back into lockdown – and soon.

Collective groan. We click through to see what new research has been unearthed now that is destined to toss us back into prison at the beck and call of our child-like leader and in about 2 seconds it transpires this is not (as the headline asserts), some new discovery of great significance.

Not because it is labelled “COMMENT”. After all, there are commenters who are experts in their field who might have very useful, well-researched information. But in this case, the author is not a highly experienced microbiologist, virologist, doctor, statistician, economist or other expert in the field. It is the Herald’s Social Media and Trending Reporter (what is that even?) Megan Harvey and there’s her cherubic, smiling face in a picture beside the article in which she explains in some detail that basically, she is unhappy about her fellow kiwis getting too close under level 3.

“This week our country has been lucky enough to downgrade our alert level thanks to the success of our actions during the lockdown.

But I have been upset to notice that people (and even some businesses) have become way too relaxed about the pandemic.

It seems as though people are comfortable to return back to the norm, as reports swirl around about customers not adhering to physical distancing rules, or fast food giants not providing a contactless service.”

Get a grip Megan. The evidence overwhelmingly points to the lockdown being an unnecessary farce and that the outcome would have been the same under an effective level 2 without crippling the economy and frankly, who cares that you’re upset “as reports swirl around” about those naughty people and businesses who according to you, are being… well… naughty. People are people and sometimes things happen that are not ideal. We correct course and carry on, but thanks for the public reprimand and lecture. Without your input, we would never have known whatever it is that we actually now know.

“I have also noticed myself that couriers and food delivery drivers have been happy to hand me and my flatmate’s parcels directly, instead of placing them on the ground.

I find it extremely unnerving that people have become complacent about touching strangers, without even knowing where they have been”

Wow. Upset and unnerved. Because parcels haven’t been placed on the ground and people (I assume the sample extends beyond 5 or 6? – Maybe not) “have become complacent about touching strangers…”

Well here’s a suggestion. Instead of being upset and unnerved, why not use your position and journalistic skills to provide some useful factual information instead of spreading more misinformation.

You say

“Other countries including Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore have also all suffered a second wave while Italy and China are reportedly preparing for their own.”

Really? What do these second waves look like? Shall we take a look? Because if you’re right, the last thing we need in New Zealand is a second wave of coronavirus and another draconian and ill conceived lockdown (though I do have to ask: How bad was the “first wave” here anyway?).

The BFD – Total Coronavirus Cases – Hong Kong Feb 15 to May 01 – Courtesy
The BFD – Daily Coronavirus Cases – Hong Kong Feb 15 to May 01 – Courtesy

The Hong Kong figures show a complete flat line both in total and daily cases with no sign of an increase of any kind. “Second wave”? Where?

The BFD – Total Coronavirus Cases – Taiwan Feb 15 to May 01 – Courtesy
The BFD – Daily Coronavirus Cases – Taiwan Feb 15 to May 01 – Courtesy

The numbers show Taiwan has had a steady decline since peaking on March 21 then a sudden one day peak on April 19 after which the numbers have flat lined for 10 days.

So Taiwan has had a one day significant spike. Is that a “second wave”?

The BFD – Daily Coronavirus Cases – Singapore Feb 15 to May 01 – Courtesy
The BFD – Daily Coronavirus Cases – Singapore Feb 15 to May 01 – Courtesy

The figures show Singapore started slowly then, as explained by health authorities, ex pat workers living in close proximity became infected causing a spike on April 20. Call it a second wave if you want, but you’d be rewriting the English language (oh wait – is that sort of like “eliminate” not really meaning eliminate?). There hasn’t been a “first wave” but evidently a “first wave” can be a “second wave” if it suits the narrative.

The claim that Italy and China are “reportedly preparing for their own” is probably as accurate as the rest of this. The numbers certainly don’t suggest so called “second waves” in either country but if they’re “reportedly preparing for their own” I’m sure Social Media and Trending Reporter (again – what is that even?) Megan Harvey has a direct line to Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and Chinese President Xi Jinping to be able to tell us what they’re preparing for.

All the information is readily available at the click of a mouse. Why don’t MSM reporters bother to research anything? It’s not rocket science.

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