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electric vehicle EV charged by diesel generator

Never mistake a Climate Cultist for someone who actually cares about the environment. After all, someone who genuinely cared about the environment wouldn’t be burying vast acres of rural landscape under deserts of aluminium and glass. Anyone who genuinely cared about wildlife wouldn’t be erecting vast fields of whirling blades o’ death to mow down millions of birds and bats.

And anyone who was really concerned about carbon emissions wouldn’t be using diesel generators. Yet, here we are.

Gas generators may be forced to burn diesel to keep the power grid running after authorities warned that states face a ­catastrophic ­supply shortfall from next year unless new sources of supply are developed.

The Australian Energy Market Operator revealed that gas generators could have to run on diesel through to 2026 during ­periods of high demand, due to the lack of gas on the east coast.

Gas generators were last forced to use diesel to prop up the electricity grid in 2022 when Russia’s invasion of Ukraine triggered a domestic crisis.

Which begs the question of why there is such high demand for gas. Blaming it all on big, bad Vlad is just trying to kick the can out of sight. The Ukraine war only triggered a gas crisis because so many European nations, as Donald Trump tried to warn them, had made themselves critically dependent on Russian gas. Most notably, Germany.

Why were they so critically dependent on gas? Because of the loony Climate Cult obsession with ‘renewables’.

As everyone who isn’t deranged by climate alarmism is well aware, ‘renewables’ are as unreliable as they are ruinously expensive. So, Germany, which brags about its so-called energiewende, was forced to turn to gas generators to keep the lights on. The only problem is that everyone else who’s fallen for the ‘renewables’ scam needs the gas, too. Not to mention farmers who rely on gas-derived fertilisers.

To really deepen the crisis they created, the Climate Cult are simultaneously trying to shut down gas production as well.

Australia is the world’s largest producer of LNG and a major ­exporter to Asia, but a steep drop-off in offshore gas from Victoria’s Bass Strait and failure to ­develop new volumes because of state government bans have sparked new fears over energy security […]

As The Australian revealed on Wednesday, AEMO said gas shortfalls could emerge as soon as next year under extreme weather conditions and the deficiencies would grow from 2026 in southern states.

Even if Australia avoids the ­extreme weather conditions that drive demand for gas in Victoria and the ACT primarily, AEMO said a material shortfall would occur in 2028 as traditional sources to the east coast run dry.

The Australian

When the gas runs out and the ‘renewables’ stop working – again – right when the electricity is needed most, will the cultists finally wake up?

Of course not: they’ll just insist that the solution to a crisis caused by ‘renewables’ is more ‘renewables’.

These people are barking.


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