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black man riding horse emboss-printed mail box
Photo by Kirsty TG. The BFD.

January 25th, 2022.

Updating the furore about the future of Boris Johnson I have previously been expressing the views that Johnson is toast.

We are progressing faster to the stage where he is burnt toast.

Here is a clip from 11 am this morning of the leader of the Metropolitan Police, Cressida Dick announcing a police investigation into the “parties”, “gatherings” in Downing Street. Her body language speaks volumes.

The impact is still being digested, but the main outcome is that the report from Sue Gray of the civil service will probably not now be published until after the police have completed their investigations. This report was due this week. The delay could be a good thing for Boris Johnson as it gives him breathing space to organise his PR and spin in his attempt to cling on to power.

On the other hand, local government elections are due to take place in May, and the last thing the Conservatives need would be prosecutions being started during the lead up to the elections. If this gives Johnson time to get his defence organised, he may be willing to sacrifice Conservative control of councils to save his own skin. Although this would normally be a disaster for the leader, events may be in Johnson’s favour in that the country may need continuity. Events coming to a head are: – the Ukraine crisis, deteriorating economic situation, soaring inflation and the Northern Ireland Brexit problem.

Fuel prices look like doubling in the next few weeks, food prices are increasing, new, higher tax and national insurance rates are being introduced and civil servants are refusing to resume working from the office as they enjoy working from home (WFH).

The question now being asked as more alleged transgressions come to light is if it was that safe for the great and good to mingle in this way, why were the stringent lockdown conditions necessary for the proletariat? It has managed to throw doubt on the whole lockdown program, and you can bet that the spin doctors will be out in force to “manage” the situation.

On TV this morning a defender of Johnson said that it was a bad time to replace the leader during a time of major crises, another panel member said, “it worked in May 1940”. Hmm.

I have sent out for a further trailer load of popcorn – I now get my supplies at wholesale prices!

Drama Popcorn GIF by Alexander IRL
Drama Popcorn GIF by Alexander IRL

Stop Press: – 6 pm Tuesday, there are murky goings-on in the background and parts of the Gray report may be published Wednesday. (Or not!). There are all sorts of negotiations and arm twisting being done.  It may be that part of the report that doesn’t compromise the police investigation will be published. Watch this space.
