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The state of NZ mainsteam media. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Oh dear. MediaWorks’ annual report, audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers, is not rosy.

There had been concerns about delays in [MediaWorks] providing its financial results to the Companies Office, which it must do as an overseas company. It missed two deadlines and directors faced a fine.

The annual report shows that the MediaWorks group suffered a loss of $125.9 million in the year to December 31, 2022, compared to a $4.9m loss the year before.

Its assets fell from $264.7m to $140.6m. It had negative working capital of $19.4m, from negative $2.2m a year earlier and cash balances of $12.7m, from $13.7m in 2021.

MediaWorks made a net loss of nearly $126 million last calendar year, with liabilities exceeding assets by $19.4m.

The auditor said there was “significant doubt” about whether MediaWorks can continue to operate beyond June 2025, given its bank financing arrangements.


Cranmer has provided the full PwC report:

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