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Brian Gillett. BGT Developments.

Business of the Day is a new segment on The BFD where we promote businesses who have the strength of character to stand up for the basic human rights of their fellow human beings.

BGT Developments


Developing land is often more than a simple transaction. There is an initial feasibility conducted followed by an in depth due diligence. When developments are undertaken the numbers are the most important part. This ensures you get the money you want for your property and that the developer remains in business. Each property will present new challenges. These are often overcome through a close working relationship between the property owner and the property developer. Again, this reflects the importance of dealing directly with the developer and not a sales person. Above all this, BGT takes your personal circumstances into consideration in every transaction. This is one of our KEY points of difference and the reason why we are known for creating “win wins”.

The BFD. Business of the day.


“I was lucky enough to meet Brian a few years ago. So impressed with his business that I nominated him for a 40under40 award which he went onto win. Brian is an honest business operator and a trusted business partner. Working with Brian is fantastic as he delivers results and is a man of his word”

Peter Taliangis
“Brian is a great communicator, and is able to both take suggestions on board and also offer excellent input.”

Mark Kostner

Dear Readers, please send me sb at the details of any businesses you know who refuse to discriminate against their customers so that we can promote them to the 25,000+ people who read our site every single day.

**For a handy guide to non-discriminatory businesses in your area go to
