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But the ‘Useless Maori’ Speaks Highly of You

useless maori and a useless pm
Image credit The BFD.

Willie Jackson, sad to say, is blind to his own racism. He is constantly attacking those with a “colonialist” whakapapa and regularly abusing anyone who doesn’t agree with his racist view on life. His latest rant is about David Seymour, who is the wrong kind of Maori, according to Willie Jackson, a “useless Maori”.

Maori Development Minister Willie Jackson has locked swords with Act leader David Seymour, comparing him to former National and Act leader Don Brash.

Jackson said that while Seymour could claim Maori whakapapa, he was a “useless Maori” and a “useless advocate for Maori”.

Seymour yesterday unveiled an alternative budget, which said Act would abolish Te Puni Kokiri (the Ministry of Maori development) and the Office of Maori Crown Relations, amongst others.

Jackson said Seymour was “from another time”.

“He’s from another time Seymour – he’s so desperate for votes he’ll do anything and say anything to try and attract a right wing prejudiced vote or prejudiced view.”

Jackson said Seymour’s perspective was “no different from Brash’s”.

“He perpetuates lies and myths, he tries to make out Article Three rights don’t exist, he tries to make out every single person has the same right – the reality is he’s trying to deny Maori have a Treaty right. That Treaty right is not a superior right, it’s an equity right – it brings Pakeha and Maori people together.”

Jackson said it was “sad” to see Seymour’s Maori policy considering he had “claimed he was Maori” previously.

Seymour does not just “claim” Maori heritage, he is Maori and has links to the Ngapuhi iwi on his mother’s side.

Jackson clarified the “claimed” part of those remarks, and said he accepted Seymour’s claim to Maori heritage.

“He has claimed his whakapapa – I was there at the hui in 2017.

He’s just a useless Maori, that’s all. You can’t deny any people their whakapapa, it doesn’t make them some great advocate for Maori, does it?”

Jackson said Seymour was the “worst advocate for Maori in terms of politics – I have never seen anyone like it”.

“[He’s] absolutely Maori, but just maybe the most useless advocate for Maori we’ve seen in Parliament”.

In response, Seymour said Jackson had not been able to defend his own ministry.

“The fact Willie chose to personally attack me instead of explaining what value Te Puni Kokiri adds just shows why we should get rid of it and save the taxpayer $71 million.

“I feel sorry for TPK staff, even the responsible minister can’t explain what value they add, less kind people would say that’s a useless minister.”

NZ Herald

Willie Jackson, like the boor and bully he is, just shoots off at the mouth, thinking he is still on radio being a rape apologist. He hurls abuse and smears if anyone dares to hold different opinions to him. David Seymour is guilty of nothing more than being the wrong sort of Maori.

But that’s Jackson’s modus operandi. To smear, bully and berate. He’s been busily smearing me on Facebook.

He said this about me: “Or do you mean the toxicity of National Party mercenary, Cameron Slater who spoke at the Parliament protest?”

He clearly hasn’t caught up with the news that a) I haven’t been a member of the National party for more than 15 years, b) that mercenaries get paid and the National Party has never paid me a cent, and c) I think Christopher Luxon is a wet, weak, globalist fool who would be better suited to the Labour Party.

I’ve had a reasonable relationship with Willie Jackson in the past, appearing numerous times on his radio shows, and appearing on several of his television shows. So I sent him a text message to tell him to lift his game and to stop telling lies about me:

And this was the reply from the Government minister:

I replied…

There has been nothing but crickets since. In the unlikely event that Willie Jackson can produce a single piece of evidence of some hurty words I may have said about him in the past, all it will be might be me calling him a racist. There is ample evidence to support that though, and I’ll stand by everything I’ve ever said about Willie Jackson.

His argument is as childish as he is. That line of reasoning never worked at a kura, E hoa! ‘You’re a meany, you said mean things about me first, so there!’

I have shared this with you to show that the man-child masquerading as a government minister is in reality a nasty, racist boor and bully with a churlish disposition.

Maybe we can forgive Willie Jackson. He must be under considerable stress now that the other members of Labour’s caucus are starting to realise the poison of Jackson’s and Mahuta’s divisive race-based, anti-democratic reforms are seriously affecting the polls. He’s going to have to brown-mail the caucus even harder and threaten to walk from the government if they don’t get their way over Three Waters.

Anyway there is some good news out of all this unedifying spectacle. According to Willie Jackson, David Seymour is a “useless Maori”.

Great, now that the term has been made officially acceptable then, let’s talk about all of the “useless Maori” in parliament, starting with Willie Jackson. If anyone complains about it, we can just tell them Willie Jackson created the term.

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