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Credit: Reuters/Dado Ruvic

JM White



Since the rollout of the mRNA injection, funeral homes have never been busier. The government death statistics are disproportionately higher now than they were when Covid stalked the land. Insurance companies are groaning as they pay out and pay out for death and disability – yet nobody seems to know why this is happening.

We knew the mRNA injection was experimental, that it was given to millions of people without due testing, without quality control and often by semi-trained non-professionals. We absorbed the media propaganda and submitted to the craziest government diktats because we thought they would keep us safe. What we didn’t know was that there was a sophisticated group of behavioural experts behind the government giving advice on how to manipulate a whole population into doing something the consequences of which they did not fully understand. We did not know we were being psychologically maltreated.

The main task of the government was to get mRNA into as many arms as possible, by whatever means it took. We were given our freedom in proportion to our acquiescence to an unknown medical procedure. The main city in New Zealand was locked down for over three months, for one case, and the enforcers went into action. Instead of protesting, most of the population submitted to taking the mRNA, and then they themselves vilified those who did not. How well the behavioural psychologists knew their subjects…

The pressure to be injected is still ongoing. On 1 October 2022 on TalkbackZB on the 5.30am news, I heard someone named Michael (did not catch his surname) still boldly intoning how ‘vaccination’ would give a 65 per cent better chance of living through Covid. Other countries have forbidden injecting children, yet this country is still planning to inject infants, toddlers and older children who have little risk of suffering any effects from Covid. MoH also wants to put the mRNA injection into the childhood vaccination programme, so that it becomes a regular process.

Yet oddly enough the government, which should have led by example, exempted itself from being injected. The police who were grabbing people and not for hugs, are [now] exempt. How many journalists would submit to a blood test to prove they had the mRNA spike protein circulating in their veins? How many of those promoting the injection would be prepared to submit to a blood test as proof of vaccination?

There was a massive exchange of money taken from the treasuries of Western countries as their governments paid for millions of doses of vaccine. Investors and vaccine producers became millionaires overnight. Pharmacies, hospitals and doctors were paid per injection used and Covid deaths reported. Known and trusted treatments used for decades for respiratory problems or pneumonia were criminalised. Bank accounts grew as their owners exchanged their souls for Covid dollars. How many of these nouveau riche would be prepared to take a blood test to show spike proteins? The truth is – their greatest fear is being held down and injected with what they advocate for us.

Our prime minister has recently given speeches overseas in which she has called for internet censorship. Is she the Voice of the New World Order now? A woman from a country of three little islands on the edge of the Southern Ocean – population five million. Alas, we have a noticeable and ongoing net loss of population because no one wants to live in a country which can be turned into a high security prison at a wink of one woman’s eyelid. How many of the much-vaunted team of five million remain? Why are they leaving as fast as they can to escape this pothole paradise? Don’t they want to be part of The Experiment? Why not?
