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By Their Tweets They Stand Condemned

Byron Clark certainly knows a thing or two about extremism. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Peoples’ first reactions to atrocities such as Hamas have carried out tells us all we need to know about them.

If someone can react to the horror of children and elderly being slaughtered in shelters, women’s naked bodies paraded before cheering crowds, festival-goers gunned down mercilessly, and hundreds of women and children taken hostage by terrorists, with a “Yes, but…” you know they’re a garbage person.

Australia had more than its share of garbage people parading their disgusting equivocation, if not open support, as I’ve written elsewhere.

There’s no shortage of them in Aotearoa (as opposed to New Zealand), either.

NZ foreign minister Nanaia Mahuta was faster out the gate than if it was happy hour at the all-you-can-eat buffet. Quicker than spotting an unfilled government job for a family member, the Big Huta tweeted:

Aotearoa New Zealand is deeply concerned at the outbreak of conflict between Israel and Gaza. We call for the immediate cessation of violence.


Note all that carefully: between Israel and Gaza. In other words, Mahuta doesn’t see Hamas’ unprovoked mass-murder as terrorism at all. Instead, she’s peddling the “but both sides” equivocation. In case anyone doubted where her sympathies lie, Mahuta linked to a statement condemning “the loss of civilian life in Gaza… following Israeli air strikes”.

Immediate cessation of violence: in other words, Israel has no right to respond. Hamas can swarm into Israel and murder hundreds of civilians, and abduct dozens of women and children, and Israel is supposed to do nothing.

An “immediate cessation of violence” is an ultimatum to Israel to sit on its hands while Palestinians wreak bloody havoc.

As one New Zealander responded, “You suck at international relations”.

Mahuta’s pissweak backhander to the terrorists didn’t go unnoticed elsewhere, either.
World leaders have widely condemned the attack, with United States President Joe Biden, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and others lending their support to Israel.

However, New Zealand declined to call out Hamas for the violence […]

The move drew immediate criticism from Jewish groups in the country, with think tank Israel Institute of NZ slamming the Minister for her comments.

It took another seven hours and the obvious intervention of PM Chris Hipkins for Mahuta to update her disgusting response.

More than seven hours after her original tweet, the Foreign Minister added she “utterly condemns” the actions of Hamas, in a response which also called on all parties to limit “the further loss of civilian lives.”

So, she still wants Israel to lie back and take it.

In case anyone still has any doubts where Mahuta’s sympathies lie:

Ms Mahuta was due to visit Israel in August, but called off the trip due to “restricted flexibility” in her schedule.

Israel’s envoy to the country, Izzat Sallah Abdulhadi, told The Australian New Zealand’s Foreign Minister had also been planning to spend two days in Palestine as part of the trip, which would have been a first for a senior representative of a Western nation.

Sky News

But, if Nanaia Mahuta is a disgusting disgrace to the office of Foreign Minister, she’s just an enormous, flabby reflection of too many on the NZ left.

Government-supported supposed “expert” in “countering violent extremism”, Byron Clark, was quick to make it clear that he was on the side of the most violent extremists on the face of the planet.

As the Israel Institute of NZ pointed out, Clark’s first response was, not to condemn Hamas, but to demand that NZ provide succour to the same people who just orchestrated and celebrated the appalling mass-murder, rape, and hostage-taking, in Israel.

Byron Clark was quick off the mark. Although, to be clear, the middle image is of t-shirts he was selling in aid of terror groups well before the latest horrors. He has been a long-time supporter of the murder of Jews.

Clark has since hidden his Twitter account from outside view.

Before he locked it away from the eyes of the world, though, Clark’s Twitter was chock with full-throated support for the terrorists. Not one of his followers called him out. The sole objection was that importing Jew-hating terrorists into NZ would make the housing crisis worse.

John Minto was also quick to get his voice of support out there. He, of course, blames Israel for the barbaric Hamas acts.

“The Hamas attacks are understandable.”

@MasseyUni Prof Dutta expressed solidarity with the horrific acts, and presumably wants Maori to follow Hamas’ lead to ‘decolonise’ Aotearoa.

Just to prove that cretinous equivocation and support for genocidal terrorists knows no boundaries, Jewish New Zealand leftist idiot Marilyn Garson tweeted that she was, celebrating this. Burn that wretched monument to cruelty down to the ground.

Marilyn Garson welcomes the moment terrorists were able to breach security and begin their murderous pogrom.

And there’s no cretinous clownshow complete without the dumbest of takes from bonehead sports players. NZ’s own Muslim Punch was quick to chime in that that’s the way to do it.

@SonnyBWilliams thinks the mutilation, murder, rape, and kidnapping of civilians (children, elderly, women etc) is defending freedom


Williams openly dubbed Hamas as “freedom fighters”.

In Gaza, London, even Sydney, Hamas’ supporters openly dance and cheer in the streets, celebrating the appalling bloodshed in Israel.

In NZ they do it on Twitter.

Truly, #theysupportevil.

The Greens stand with murderous terrorists, too. Ricardo Menendez calls for Israel to be erased. The BFD.


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