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Bzzzzzzzz. There Is a War on Truth

Even in the death throes of their fibs, still the lying goes on, and on, just as a fly dying in a trap manages a defiant buzz or three.


Bzzzzzzzz, writes Glenn McConnell on Stuff yesterday morning, bzzzzzzzz, it wasn’t a bribe: “baseless claims”, bzzzzzzzz, “false allegations”. “As part of the process, applicants were asked to show a commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, including a commitment to te reo Maori”. Glenn even presents a graphic, a sanitised graphic, to ‘prove’ [cough] his case. Poor Glenn, he thinks we’re so easily fooled.

Applicants for hand-outs of taxpayer money under the PIJF were not ‘asked’ to show anything; Glenn, they were ‘required’ to, it was a ‘must‘ to: “Actively promote the principles of Partnership, Participation and Active Protection under Te Tiriti o Waitangi acknowledging Maori as a Te Tiriti partner”.


‘Active promotion’ of a politically slanted message is called propaganda, Glenn, and accepting inducements to promote such slanted, controversial, messages is accepting bribes, mate. That’s what it is, yip, yip.

Bzzzzzzzz. There is a war on truth, Glenn, and you’re on the wrong side.
