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Can Sajid Javid Save Britain’s Kids?

UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

In further signs that the pendulum is swinging back against the transgender ideology, Britain’s Health Secretary is preparing to launch a full government inquiry into “gender treatment” for children. Sajid Javid believes that vulnerable children are being wrongly coerced into having gender hormone treatment. Treatment that will certainly affect their normal development — because that’s what it’s intended to do — and quite possibly leave them permanently disabled, as well as sterile.

As first reported by The Times, the health secretary is understood to have been alarmed at the interim findings of a review into NHS gender identity services for children.

The review by Hilary Cass, former president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, has found staff felt pressured to adopt “an unquestioning affirmative approach” to the issue of transitioning and gender issues caused other mental health issues to be “overshadowed” – two issues Mr Javid is said to be particularly concerned about.

“This has been a growing issue for years and it’s clear we’re not taking this seriously enough,” an ally of the health secretary told the paper.

The transgender lobby have to date ruled virtually unchallenged. Across Western countries, people who in good faith supported gay rights and gay marriage, because they believed it when they were told that it was “just about gay marriage and nothing else”, have been left shell-shocked by the almost overnight emergence of a deeply troubling and scientifically ludicrous ideology. One that specifically targets children, and at the same time tramples women’s rights — even their very existence as women.

Anyone who has tried to speak out — feminists in particular — has been subjected to a barrage of abuse and violence. Parents who resist the forced conversion of their children are increasingly finding their children are taken away from them. With the complicit cooperation of law enforcement.

At the same time “LGBT” activists have mounted a hypocritical campaign against so-called “conversion practices” — at the same time as they advocate the most heinous conversion therapies imaginable for children.

With admirable clarity, Javid is calling the “transgender affirmation model” for what it really is: conversion therapy.

It comes after Mr Javid said “we need to be more careful” when it comes to conversion therapy for transgender people.

But care is the last thing on the gender whisperers’ minds.

The ally of Mr Javid also said services should have a holistic view of what might be causing problems for the child, such as a mental health issue, bullying or sexual abuse.

“That overly affirmative approach where people just accept what a child says, almost automatically, and then start talking about things like puberty blockers – that’s not in the interest of the child at all,” they added.

The Tavistock and Portman Trust, which runs clinics in London, Leeds and Bristol, is believed to give hormone treatment to around 200 of the 2,500 children it sees each year.

Referrals have increased 50-fold in the last decade, with far more female children coming forward – a reversal of what happened previously.

Sky News

That fact alone ought to be ringing alarm bells.

Add to that that there is a well-established social contagion effect, especially when it comes to girls identifying as “boys”. Teenage girls are the most faddish creatures on the face of the planet. So it’s no surprise that teenage girls “transitioning” often happens in clusters.

The other noticeable trend is that girls coming out as lesbian have dwindled to near-zero. In other words, it’s suddenly more socially acceptable to claim to be a “boy” who’s sexually attracted to girls, rather than a girl.

Hopefully, Javid’s inquiry is just one part of the long-needed pushback against the creepy tranny activists. For many women, the issue of male-to-female trannies came to a head with the Lia Thomas scandal. The slither of transgender ideology into schools is also generating pushback from mothers, in the US especially.

Like all such Marxism-derived intellectual fads, transgenderism will almost certainly be confined to the dustbin of history in its due time. But, like Marxist fads before, it will leave a generation of mutilated, brutalised people in its wake.

The question is whether those responsible will finally be held to account for the damage they’ve wreaked.
