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Can Scott Morrison Stand For Anything?

Scott is dripping wet. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Can Scott Morrison stand for anything? With an election due in months, more and more, exasperated Coalition voters are asking why they should even bother. If they wanted a weak, left-wing government they’d vote for the Greens — and at least know that the Greens believe their woke garbage.

I’ve long defended Morrison for his principled and tough foreign policy stance against China, while acknowledging his domestic spinelessness. But, more and more, it looks as if the foreign policy belongs to Peter Dutton and Marise Payne, because clearly Scotty from Marketing is a weak, wet coward who can’t stand for a damned thing.

Morrison has let himself be run from pillar to post on every woke stupidity, from endlessly indulging scowling brat Grace Tame to steadfastly refusing to defend the Christian faith he claims to hold. Whether it’s howling feminists or screeching transvestites, Morrison gutlessly caves to every Twitter mob without so much as whimper.

Scott Morrison has pledged to scrap Sex Discrimination Act exemptions that let a Christian school try to expel gay or transgender students.

Firstly, the media are lying through their teeth. The school did not try to expel gay or transgender students. What it did was request that prospective enrolments agree to abide by the tenets of its Christian faith — which include that God created “man and woman”, and that immorality, whether adultery, homosexuality, bestiality, paedophilia or incest, should be condemned.

Oddly enough, I don’t see the shrieking Twitter mobs saying much about the hurty feelings of pony-fanciers and cousin-diddlers.

But, of course, where the left-media and Twitter lead, Scotty goes shuffling after.

The Prime Minister said he would amend the act, as his government seeks to introduce its contentious Religious Discrimin­ation Bill, designed to shield religious groups from discrimination claims. Mr Morrison said he did not support Brisbane’s Citipointe Christian College for asking parents to sign an enrolment contract acknowledging children could be expelled based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.

“My kids go to a Christian school here in Sydney, and I wouldn’t want my school doing that either,’’ he told Brisbane Radio B105.

Then send them to a different school. Problem solved.

He defended schools’ rights to teach religious doctrine: “You should be able to send your kids to a Christian school or Muslim school or a Jewish school, or whatever it is, they should be able to teach, you know, kids in that way.’’

The Australian

Except that, quite clearly, he won’t defend schools’ right to teach religious doctrine. Christian doctrine is quite plain: God created man and woman, sin should be condemned. That’s all the school’s enrolment asked parents and students to agree to.

Scott Morrison is too damned gutless to defend even that.

And no-one should be in any doubt who really rules us, anymore.

Now, do as you’re told and “embrace diversity”. Except for diversity of belief. That’s one thing the tolerant left simply will not tolerate.
