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Can We All Shut Up about COVID, Just Once?

For FIVE MINUTES?! The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Sometimes, I feel like Shrek, losing his patience with the annoying Donkey. I just want to grab the media-political class by the ears and scream, “Can you just shut up about COVID. For. Five. Freaking. Minutes?!

Can we go one day without the hysterical shrieking about “new cases” (meaning, people who received a positive result from a test). Can you stop yammering, just once, about this or that “cluster” or “variant”. Could you, just once, stop the endless finger-wagging about the god-freaking-damned vaccine?

And can politicians once and for all and for good stop trying to micro-manage our lives and rip away our freedoms?

Apparently not.

State borders around the country have slammed shut to NSW and five millions Sydneysiders face tough new restrictions after a spike in the number of Covid-19 cases.

Queensland on Wednesday afternoon became the latest state to close its borders to Sydney, along with the surrounding regions. Victoria, which emerged from the last of its extended Covid-19 restrictions, has also stopped travel from the seven local government areas, as has South Australia.

Am I the only one who gets the sense that these bastards are actually enjoying all this?

The only state leader showing anything resembling an ounce of sense is NSW’s premier, Gladys Berejiklian.

The NSW government has not ruled out a lockdown of the city, with health officials concerned the cluster is fast spreading out of its eastern suburbs epicentre – and the commonwealth officially declaring parts of the city hot spots[…]

Despite the rise in cases, Ms Berejiklian said the state was “not going to restrict people’s movement or what they do”.

Oh, for an Australian Ron de Santis or Kristi Noem.

Are business leaders starting to actually grow a backbone against the lockdown-obsessed politicians and bureaucrats?

The Business Council of Australia and Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry said they supported the NSW government’s response but said they were concerned about the impact border closures and a lockdown could have on the business community. “The last thing any of us want to see is another round of extreme border closures and restrictions because they cause tremendous damage to confidence and the nation’s economic recovery,” said BCA chief executive Jennifer Westacott[…]

Tourism & Transport Forum chief executive Margy Osmond said there was still the need for a nationally consistent approach to the outbreaks.

“I think the bigger problem for us is that every state has responded differently and as a consequence this adds to the confusion and uncertainty for business and leisure travellers,” Ms Osmond said.

“Gladys has always been proportionate – I think it’s unfortunate that the other states and territory leaders as members of the national cabinet have not come up with a uniform predictable ­response that all states adhere to – that’s just diabolical.”

The Australian

The reality is, sadly, that as long as panicked numpties keep rewarding the fear-mongers with votes and clicks, they’re just going to keep at it.

This is the “new normal”: hysterically counting cases and letting us go free, never.

And, yes, I’m aware that I’m talking about COVID again.

Yes, I do feel a bit dirty.

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