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Anti-vaccine mandate protesters outside New Zealand’s parliament in Wellington © AP Financial Times

There is a possibility Jacinda Ardern’s hasty departure from politics has more to do with her policies around the Covid pandemic than any other factor. Did someone whisper in her ear “The mRNA vaccine is not safe and effective; it kills people, it makes them sick, they catch Covid repeatedly and they die?”

In New Zealand Ardern and Covid are synonymous.

Covid Queen. The BFD. Cartoon credit SonovaMin

The science around Covid, masking, lockdowns and vaccination has been put aside now that the threat of Covid has disappeared. New variants are less lethal and mortality ranks below the ’flu.

Gone, along with the constant fear-mongering, is Jacinda Ardern’s political career.

The pigeons that came home to roost pooped on Ardern’s parade, first on the zero Covid policy and more recently on her claims of vaccine safety and efficacy.

Ardern failed to throttle the annoying messengers splattering her edicts from the ‘podium of truth’ and I doubt either the UN or the WEF wants her pigeon poo splattered career tainting their expensive offices.

Those pesky pigeons carried little messages of doom for Ardern: Covid doesn’t kill as many people as you told us, vaccination doesn’t stop Covid spreading and the vaccinated are catching Covid (more than once) and they are getting sicker and some are dying.

We were told myocarditis was rare, in fact, the MoH website still carries that ‘truth’ but a Thai study of adolescent boys showed effects on the heart in 29.24% of mRNA vaccine recipients, which can hardly be considered rare.

Ardern made many failed promises but her most devastating action was nearly three years of fear-mongering and the dividing of a nation. Was this the final straw that broke the camel’s back?

The Covid vaccination programme was the largest medical experiment known to man. Large numbers of exosomes containing spike protein and mRNA were injected into bodies with unknown consequences but the curtain has now been pulled back on how the experts used propaganda, instead of science, to drive public opinion.

With Ardern’s departure, the propaganda machine will grind to a halt, but will mainstream media start to follow their noses again, instead of political instructions?

Will politicians put the Covid era behind them or will they want to avoid a repeat?

Will the Disinformation Project be wound up and reputable scientists and researchers engaged to critically examine and debate the sciences they have been trained in and should be practising?

Will propaganda statements such as “We are your one source of truth” be replaced by genuine scientific debate?

In January 2022 US insurance companies reported a rise in excess deaths.

The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people.

“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”

Margaret Menge writing for The Centre Square

This week UK health analyst Dr John Campbell reported on European excess deaths and asked why British authorities are not examining the UK data more closely because it also points to excess deaths.

We need our best people paying attention as New Zealand follows a similar pattern of excess deaths.

In June last year Dr Peter A McCullough and others released their findings after examining scientific papers on the mRNA vaccine’s effects on the body’s immune system saying more work needs to be done on mRNA vaccines potentially causing an increased risk of infectious diseases and cancer and “the VAERS and other monitoring systems should be optimized to detect signals related to the health consequences of mRNA vaccination we have outlined”.

Ardern stole three good years from us with her destructive Covid policies. We must demand our politicians do not do the same by turning a blind eye to possible inconvenient truths.


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