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Can You Feel the Rage Bubbling?

I predict that this will be the most contested election in American history.

Photo by Clay Banks / Unsplash

Olivia Pierson
It has been observed that those who do not know history are destined to repeat it. Understanding history is the most powerful way to prepare to create our future.

I wager that Trump will win the ’24 election and the Democrat protest machine in sanctuary cities is going to go berserk.

In 2016, the Blob (with Obama at the helm) illegally spied on Trump's campaign and transition team, then his presidency. They cried that he was illegitimate and Hillary Clinton, always without a shred of self-awareness, wrote a book titled What Happened? 

They hamstrung Trump’s ability to govern with dirty political tactics, such as show trial impeachments, while they pressed forward with the Russia collusion special counsel bullshit into something that they knew they had made up out of whole cloth. Then Covid with the stolen 2020 election. Even if you only take the 51 intelligence operatives who came out and vowed that the Hunter Biden laptop was ‘Russian disinformation’, those two things stole an election right there before one even needs to consider the dead people who voted, the ballot harvesting through dropbox scams, those who voted multiples times in multiple states and any fractionated voter counts built into the algorithms on the voting machines in any of the swing states. It was as rigged as hell. 

After the shock and rage of Trump’s first win, the force of that stinging slap to Democrat neurotic fragility was actively funnelled into protests like the Brett Kavanaugh hearings and the BLM riots with the insane screeching of lunatics to ‘defund the police’ – Kamala Harris was on their side along with ‘the squad’ of other bunny boilers

I expect something similar to happen and at the same time this election to be viciously contested by all the Democrat levers of power – and they’ll activate the Queers for Palestine freakeries, the troons and the antisemites to add to the general cyclone of hysteria. 

Trump, the greatest threat to leftism in easily 50 years, is pure kryptonite to progressive politics and all their one thousand agendas. They will not go gentle into that good night anymore than they did in 2016. 

Besides that, for the last three-and-a-half years they have been steadfastly working on Plan B – dumping tens of millions of illegal immigrants into swing states and beyond, but the worst part about this is that nobody actually knows the real number of how many. Whatever the government figures admit to, it will always be much worse in fact. 

When Elon Musk says, “If we don’t win this election this is the last election we’re going to have,” it is not hyperbole: 

The Dem machine has been importing so many people… so many illegals… transporting a large number of illegals to swing-states… If you look at the numbers… there are triple digit increases in illegals to all the swing states, and in some cases it’s over 700 per cent over the last three years… Now the swing state margins are something like 10 to 20,000 votes. So what happens if you put… hundreds of thousands of people into each swing state? 

That’s the Democrat Plan B, to make sure swing states don’t swing anymore: they want them secured down as blue states. Even if the illegals don’t support woke politics (many of them are Catholic and hate progressive politics on abortion and transgenderism, etc), it won’t matter because they have a higher goal in play: to bring their families behind them into America. 

The fact that Gavin Newsom has now outlawed asking for voter ID in California (worth 54 electoral votes) cannot be interpreted in any other way than they expect many people to be voting who shouldn’t be.

California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) recently signed into law Senate Bill (SB) 1174, which effectively outlaws all local governments from enacting any law that requires their residents to provide valid identification before voting. Enacting this legislation ensures that only the State crafts election rules, leaving local governments no opportunity to safeguard electoral integrity in their own communities.

That’s a sure way to ensure more voter fraud. The new law applies state-wide, hence power taken away from local municipalities. What could possibly go wrong?
I predict that this will be the most contested election in American history – and that we will all go to bed on election night not knowing the result, especially if Trump wins in a landslide. 

​Oddly, Trump is a gift to Democrats, they just don’t realise it yet. Demented Biden and Hyena Harris were both too ridiculous to be proper contenders in a free and fair election: Caligula’s horse level absurd. After Trump shows them what a real competitor and winner looks like... again... they’ll have to get serious and search around within their own corrupt party for true talent to represent the progressive cause, if it’s to survive. All the decent people have left. 

This article was originally published on the author’s blog.
