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Canberra Clamps Down on the Honkening

Terrifying! The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

In 2020, Melbourne’s police not only stood by, but joined in massive Black Lives Matter protests. Scant months later, they used rubber bullets and capsicum spray on anti-lockdown protesters. Where BLM protesters were not so much as fined, police smashed lockdown protesters, including old ladies, into the concrete.

The media gushed over BLM and repeated its outright lies without so much as a blush. The media screeched endless lies about the lockdown protesters, falsely smearing them as “far-right”, “Nazis” and “white supremacists”.

In case you didn’t get the message, the same one-two of blind indulgence versus brutal authoritarianism is now being played out in Canberra.

Federal police have issued anti-vaccine protesters an ultimatum to move on or have their personal items seized by police.

The group, who caused dramatic scenes at Parliament House and outside of the National Press Club earlier this week, have set up an illegal camp in Canberra’s parliamentary triangle.

“Dramatic scenes”? Do they mean, smashing their way into Parliament House and assaulting police with metal bars? Oh, wait, no — that was Aboriginal activists and unionists. Or do they mean setting fire to the Museum of Australian Democracy in the Old Parliament House, and blocking firefighters and police from putting it out? Nope, that was Aboriginal protesters.

Gee, whatever these protesters did must have been pretty horrific!

Many of the campers who have made the decision to stay, have been driving down Canberra streets at speeds of 20km or less as a form of demonstration.

Oh, but there was worse — much worse! They surrounded the Press Club and chanted. Chanted! Some of them were even carrying signs!

Terrifying! The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Clearly, this sort of anarchy cannot be tolerated.

But their hopes to remain in the capital until parliament resumes next week were dashed by ACT Police early on Friday morning, as they were ordered to move on or be removed.

Police, assisted with additional resources from the Australian Federal Police, issued the warning for the campers at around 7.30am, giving them an hour to get their stuff together.

But protesters could be heard telling one another to meet them at the camping grounds at the EPIC show-grounds in Canberra’s north […]

Unauthorised camping is not permitted in the parliamentary precinct of the National Capital Authority-managed land.

The Australian
This eyesore humpy is untouchable. The BFD.

Of course, you can always set up a shanty and have it untouched for 50 years, if you’re the right sort of protester. In fact, if someone so much as suggests that it’s time the eyesore was moved on, you can attack the Prime Minister and steal her personal effects, and the left media will cheer you on and absolutely no one will be arrested.

Got the message, yet?


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