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Usually the state-sanctioned suicide enthusiasts at least wait until they’ve snuck through their medical suicide laws before they shove off down the slippery slope. Not in woke, wealthy, Canberra, though. They’re skidding off down the slippery slope before the ink’s even on the paper, let alone dry.

Teenagers as young as 14 could access euthanasia in Canberra as the Labor-Greens government considers the most liberal ­voluntary assisted dying framework in Australia.

It’s hardly surprising that a city purpose-built to house lifetime sucklers on the government teat has been run for over two decades by a far-left Labor-Green coalition. It’s the place, after all, that bans gas in homes and gives free car registration to the wealthy few who can afford EVs.

And it wants to off children.

The ACT government – led by Chief Minister Andrew Barr – on Thursday will release its ­community consultation report on an assisted-suicide framework, with a final model to be ready by the end of the year.

Human Rights Minister Tara Cheyne told The Australian she was considering allowing minors as young as 14 to be eligible for ­assisted suicide, with the ACT for the first time able to legalise euthanasia after being given the green light by federal parliament.
Ms Cheyne rejected a requirement by other Australian jurisdictions that assisted-suicide could only be accessed by people with an “arbitrary” expected death timeline of between six and 12 months.

In true leftist, moral-relative fashion, everything is “arbitrary”, apparently.

Ms Cheyne, who is taking carriage of the reform instead of Health Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith, said she had “heard very clearly from the community that 18 is considered to be an arbitrary limit”.

Hmm. Did she ever have to show proof of age to purchase alcohol? Drive a car?

At least they’re not bothering to conceal the fact that the standard, finger-wagging, moralising from pro-death enthusiasts is just a smokescreen.

Ms Cheyne said there was ­little appetite in Canberra to restrict euthanasia based on a timeframe on when someone was expected to die.

“Certainly, what we have heard loud and clear is that a timeframe to death that has been applied in Victoria, and in all of the ensuing states of being 12 or six months, and that being the prognosis to death, has been problematic within the states,” she said […]

Ms Cheyne said the Barr government was committed to examining an assisted-suicide option for dementia sufferers once the legislation had passed.

So, she’s just tacitly saying what anyone with a clear mind can see is the real agenda: death on demand, including from family members, for any reason, at any age.

The ACT government is also giving away the real agenda behind the forcible seizure of Canberra’s Catholic-run Calvary Hospital.

The announcement comes as Canberra and Goulburn Catholic Archbishop Christopher Prowse raised concerns about the ACT government’s acquisition of palliative care facility Clare Holland House, following the forced takeover of Calvary Hospital.

Calvary Health Care announced “with a heavy heart” this week that it would surrender the hospice to the Barr government after the Catholic health provider reached an agreement to ensure the Canberra facility was “supported by remaining directly ­connected with the public hospital to ensure continuity of care for patients”.

The archdiocese has been outspoken about its opposition to voluntary assisted dying.

The Australian

Authoritarian, left-wing regimes never put up with resistance, after all.

Now, shut up and take your suicide pill, granny. Stop being such a burden.


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NASA Did Not Invent Velcro

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