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Cancel Culture Should Look In the Mirror

The face of modern culture. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Whenever anyone suggests that Cancel Culture might be less than a good thing. That it might, indeed, be bullying, hateful poison which is killing Western culture, the Cancellers screech indignantly. Screeching indignantly is, of course, their default setting, but dare criticise their despicable ideology and they amp the screeching to deafening levels.

With the logical clarity that they’re renowned for, the jowl-quivering land-whales, the flabby, repulsive castratos and the drooling kiddy-diddlers shriek that it’s just the same as any other boycott. Which is arrant nonsense: a boycott is saying, “I won’t buy this”; Cancel Culture says, “You can’t buy, see, or hear this, and you should kill yourself if you do”.

They’re very big on the “kill yourself” thing, the Cancellers. When they’re not threatening to actually do the job for you. Just ask J. K. Rowling, Julie Bindel, Germaine Greer, or Mary Beard, who’ve all been inundated with death threats for questioning transgenderism.

Which is odd, firstly because, if they really believed that “trans women are women”, who “aren’t a threat to women”, then they probably shouldn’t be threatening so many women.

Secondly, a bedrock tenet of Cancel Culture is that “words can kill”.

Which they’re apparently trying to prove by spewing a torrent of words urging people to kill themselves.

When Washington Post reporter Dave Weigel posted a link to a Gallup poll showing that a significant majority of Americans opposed “transgender” athletes playing as their “chosen” gender, the standard Twitter hell broke loose.

The tweet went viral, with every hate-filled shemale on Twitter slamming Weigel for “transphobia.”

The initial onslaught consisted mainly of “victimized” trans folk telling Weigel to “fuck off” and kill himself (lots of “go kill yourself” tweets). But soon the angle switched to “you’re killing people,” because Weigel’s words were either getting trans kids killed or compelling them to kill themselves.

The hypocrisy of telling someone to kill themselves at the same time as howling that words might compel someone to kill themselves is never remarked on by Cancel Culturists. (Neither, of course, can they ever cite a single tranny who killed themselves because of a mean tweet.)

See the difference between 1980s/90s boycotts and today’s cancel culture? Thirty years ago, the boycotts were about spirits, souls, and saviors. Nonbelievers had no reason to play along. Today’s cancelers don’t ask you to accept their ideology; they’re telling you that your words are murdering those who do. You don’t have to accept the premise that men who think they’re women are women in order to believe that men who live by that pseudoscience might commit suicide if you question their dogma […]

Once you popularize the notion that words—from a comedy routine to simple political analysis—“literally murder,” the debate moves beyond free speech. Think of it like this: If you ask the average gun owner, “Do you believe in the right to bear arms?” they’ll say yes. But if you ask, “Do you believe in the right to shoot a child?” of course they’ll say no.

When the left says, “free speech has consequences”, they’re not just talking about “consequences” like your career and public presence being destroyed by a mob of unhinged cross-dressers on Twitter. The left actually believes that “words kill”.

OK, so let’s apply that to their own words. Not just the reflexive screaming “Kill yourself!”, but the endless bullying of women and girls (real ones, not men in drag).

After all, the young biological (a.k.a. actual) women robbed of their athletic careers by men in wigs have lives too. Weigel simply acknowledged a political reality: Many Americans worry that those girls’ lives are not being respected as much as the lives of the trans athletes.

To shut down that debate is to say that the lives of those young women are unworthy of discussion. They don’t matter.

Tranny activists just love to bang on about how apt their brothers-in-dresses are to flounce off this mortal coil (that it might be the transgenderism itself driving the sex-confused to suicide is never countenanced). But the recent shocking rise in suicides among girls scarcely raises a pencilled eyebrow from the bearded ladies.

Over the past 15 years there’s been a correlation between a dramatic rise in teen girl suicide (the male/female teen suicide gap is almost closed for the first time ever) and schools forcing “trans acceptance” on kids (telling young girls “there are no ‘girls,’ just people who think they are, and that includes Johnny McLipstick over there; you’re no more a woman than he is”).

Now, correlation ain’t causation, we all know that […but ] I do think it’s valid to point out that there are two sides to the “killing words” coin.


Words may or may not kill, but we know that silence can. It’s well established in the literature that enforced silence about abuse is as traumatic as the abuse. Feeling pressured into staying silent can lead to depression and suicide.

Increasingly, women and girls are pressured into silence about the abusive behaviour of “transgender” males posing as women. That abuse includes everything from flashing their male genitals at little girls, to actual rape.

But women aren’t allowed to talk about any of that, or they’re told to kill themselves.
