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Two recent posts I’ve made for The BFD just go to show that you should never underestimate how far the Establishment will go to protect the venal and the predatory.

First, I wrote about the upcoming Justice Department report into Joe Biden keeping classified documents after his term as VP ended, and leaving them around for any old crackhead to find. You know, the very thing they’ve levelled felony charges against Donald Trump for. Biden’s re-election team were said to be sweating on the report.

The implication was that they were worried that the president would go into an election also with felony charges hanging over him.

President Biden was sloppy in holding on to classified material related to some of his most consequential policy debates as vice president, eager to show that history would prove him right, according to a special counsel investigation that yielded no criminal charges but is likely to add a fraught new dynamic to the 2024 presidential contest.

Biden wilfully retained and disclosed to a ghostwriter classified materials while a private citizen, after he was vice president, including documents about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan and notebooks with Biden’s handwritten notes implicating sensitive intelligence sources, according to a report from Special Counsel Robert Hur, made public Thursday.

We should have known that Biden Inc. would continue to enjoy their privileged immunity from justice.

On the other hand, Biden’s re-election team were right to worry about the report, because the picture it paints of the Democrats’ 2024 hopeful is hardly flattering.

Essentially, the report says that Biden is so mentally incompetent that he can’t be held criminally responsible. An “elderly man with a poor memory” is just the start.

In further embarassment for Biden, Hur said that his probe had found a president with such reduced mental capacities that he could not remember the dates even of his vice presidency under Barack Obama and the death of his son Beau to cancer in 2015.

The Australian

This is the man Democrats want to run the most powerful country on Earth?

And just today, I wrote that, of all the states, South Australia seemed likely to be the first to implement a parliamentary inquiry into the “transgender” madness.

I should have known better.

Expelled Victorian Liberal MP Moira Deeming says she is “disgusted” after South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas killed off an attempt to launch a parliamentary inquiry into the treatment of young people with gender dysphoria.

As usual, the left is demonstrating their wholehearted commitment to free thinking and individuality.

Some SA Labor MPs were understood to have been in favour of the motion by independent MP Frank Pangallo, but they will be prevented from ­supporting it after caucus opted not to allow a conscience vote – a decision supported by the ­Premier.

Unlike the Coalition, Labor has rigid rules preventing MPs from voting against party lines.

And even more rigid, if tacit, rules against upsetting the Alphabet People.

The motion’s failure represents the third unsuccessful Australian attempt to launch an inquiry into the “gender affirmation” model of care, after Pauline Hanson, federally, and Ms Deeming in Victoria, failed to win parliamentary support for similar probes.

The thwarted inquiries come despite countries including the UK, Sweden, Norway, Finland and France moving to either ban or heavily restrict the use ­puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones on minors.

The Australian

At least the Groomers can rest assured that they still have Labor and the Greens backing wholeheartedly their right to mutilate and sterilise children.
