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Captain Mumblepants Needs to Go

Simon is Mumble pants. Photoshopped image credit Luke

The BFD staff had a conversation over the watercooler yesterday after listening to the below interview with Simon Bridges.

During the conversation, a new nickname for Bridges was born. “Angry Captain Mumblepants” which was then beautifully illustrated for us by BFD photoshopper Luke.

The general consensus was that Captain Mumblepants needs to go. A comment was made that he is simply not easy to listen to. The interview was a complete train wreck. The interviewer continually talked over him and he kept talking while she talked over him.

He sounded like a petulant child, wait, wait, wait I’ve got a point to make, let me talk. The interviewer showed him no respect whatsoever and she was able to run right over the top of him.

We have had enough of Captain Mumblepants. He fails to score the hits when he is up against the worst government in New Zealand history. It is a target rich environment and he is failing. It is time to step down and let a heavy hitter step up to the plate.
