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Caravan of Lies Exposed for All Who Want to See

Terror plot mastermind and his decades of anti-Semitic bile.

How is this not terror-related? The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The lying narrative that the NSW caravan terror plot ‘wasn’t a terror incident’ is busted. New revelations about the ‘criminal mastermind’ behind the plot show beyond doubt that it was an anti-Semitic terror incident.

For weeks, senior NSW police and mendacious Greens politicians have tried to pull the wool over our eyes, claiming that it was a ‘hoax’, a ‘criminal con job’ and ‘not motivated by anti-Semitism’. Police insinuated that it was somehow a smokescreen to distract from an ‘overseas criminal actor’ and his ‘unrelated criminal charges’. That was all a pack of lies.

The fugitive alleged to be behind the “terror caravan plot” posted vile anti-Semitic slurs for years before fleeing Australia, after being charged with alleged drug importation offences.

Now here comes the twist: as Tolkien wrote, mixing lies with truth makes the lie seem stronger. Police told a little of the truth, but then lied through their teeth about it.

Police believe Sayet Erhan Akca, a former gym and child care centre owner, was hoping to leverage a lenient court sentence by providing fabricated information to police about the discovery of an explosives laden caravan and a series of anti-Semitic arson and graffiti attacks in Sydney.

But that doesn’t mean the threat wasn’t real. Remember that Australian law defines terrorism as ‘an act or threat’.

Nor does Akca’s alleged self-interest exclude that he fully intended to terrorise Jewish Australians. Especially when his deep-seated anti-Semitism – something else the police lied about – is exposed.

In recent statements, police had downplayed claims that the kingpin – who they still have not publicly identified - was motivated by anti-Semitism.

However The Australian can reveal that Akca posted a series of anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli slurs over a period of many years as he was building his gym business.

This was, it must be borne in mind, years, even decades, before October 7.

In one post Akca claims that “Hitler was only washing earth, they made him out to be evil”

In 2018 he posted: “How did 6 million die when only 3.2 registered Jews in Europe at the time?”

In response to a report that vandals targeted the Jewish community spraying swastikas on cars, he responded “Zeig heil”.

Incidentally, demolishing the claim that such anti-Semitism is not widespread in the Muslim community, fellow Sydney Muslims clearly approved of his sentiments.

A relative responded: “Good on you mate you’re talking hundred per cent right. Your dad must be proud of you” […]

After visiting a mosque in Istanbul in 2018 and what appears to be a picture of himself praying, Akca posted a bizarre “common question” about whether it was true “that Muslims believe they get 40 virgins for act of terror / mass suicidal murder?”

His Answer:”Let me ask, would you like to pop 40 cherries ? Would you like to change 40 bed sheets ? So Yes, we believe that you go straight to hell for killing yourself or any of Gods creatures unless it’s for eating purpose and done the Halal (natural) way.”

So, mass murder is Halal. Got it.

Akca has been posting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories for at least a decade.

As far back as 2016 Akca was posting claims that: “America gets caught funding $540M to produce ‘isis’ videos”.

In December 2016 he posted “R.I.P. to all those innocents that have died in Aleppo and around the world in the hands of Terrorism, and I mean from the root of Terrorism, America and the Zionists, taking out these people like Saddam, Bin Ladin & Gadaffi, look what its started.

“You still think 9/11 was not an inside job to start this money making and muslim massacre process, delete yourself now.”

The new revelations expose not only the police lies, but the grotesque mendacity of politicians and NGOs who tried to hand-wave away the terror plot.

The NSW Greens on Wednesday claimed the attacks were “not motivated by anti-Semitism” and that the Minns government had “massively overreacted and jumped the gun with their kneejerk overreaching criminal laws” […]

The NSW Council for Civil Liberties has also demanded an inquiry into whether Mr Minns “misled the parliament and public in order to pass the Places of Worship Bill and the Inciting Racial Hatred Bill”.

“The Minns Labor government has played right into the hands of those who concocted the caravan plot in using it to drive a repressive and fear-based legislative agenda that has further divided the community,” NSWCCL president Timothy Roberts said.

No, it looks like you played – however willingly – into the hands of those who want to minimise the seriousness of the violent anti-Semitism sweeping Sydney in the last year.

To his credit, NSW Premier Chris Minns is, belatedly, not backing down.

“NSW has seen hundreds of anti-Semitic attacks and incidents. This racial hatred has caused our Jewish community to live in fear in their own state. While the caravan was part of a criminal conspiracy – and not the plot of a terrorist organisation – it was still appalling racial hatred.”

NSW and federal police on Monday revealed a mystery overseas kingpin had masterminded a string of attacks on Sydney’s Jewish community by allegedly recruiting teenagers, low-level criminals and drug addicts to carry out his orders.

Which is exactly what terror masterminds do. Osama bin Laden didn’t get on the planes: he recruited patsies to do it for him. A counter-terror expert friend of mine tells me that jihadis regularly target mentally ill youths, because they’re easier to manipulate into suicide bombings.

Yet again, NSW police and politicians, like their UK counterparts, seem determined to place ‘social cohesion’ ahead of admitting clear acts of terror. Who do they think they’re helping?

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