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The Prosecution rests, m’lud. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The Cargo Cult mentality is alive and well in the age of climate change alarmism.

Which is hardly surprising, really: like climate alarmism, cargo cults are a millenarian belief system which imitate the outward appearances of a technologically-advanced society, in the hope that the sky gods will reward the adherents.

It’s Gaia-meets-John Frum in the Torres Strait as the Future Eaters appeal to the sky dragon for mercy.

For Paul Kabai and Pabai Pabai, climate change is a daily reality creeping ever higher at their Torres Strait doorstep.

Rising sea waters on their islands have pushed them to take an extraordinary step: The pair has just launched legal action against the federal government, in a case never before seen in the Australian courts.

They are suing the Commonwealth, arguing the government has a legal obligation to prevent the loss of their communities to climate change.

Apparently, the fact that the seas have been rising steadily for over 17,000 years is irrelevant. As climate scientist Judith Curry notes, “Sea level has been overall rising since the last ice age, with some ups and downs. Sea level has been rising for the past 200 years… Humans are not going to stop sea level rise on the time scale of a few centuries by ceasing emissions of CO2.”

As Geoffrey Blainey detailed in his The Rise and Fall of Ancient Australia, far more dramatic sea level rises occurred naturally in Northern Australia, thousands of years ago. Indeed, these sea level rises created the Torres Strait in the first place — at the expense of the Aboriginal people of what is now Arnhem Land. At times, Blainey writes, the sea level rise was so rapid that the waters advanced up to five kilometres in a year. What was a rich hunting ground one year would be underwater the next.

If only they’d had a hotshot environmental lawyer to put a stop to it.

It’s a complex case, but Mr Kabai and Mr Pabai’s legal team will argue that the court should require Australia to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to a level that will protect Torres Strait Islanders from harm.

ABC Australia

Ignored here is the simple fact that Australia could reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to nothing tomorrow, and it wouldn’t make a jot of difference. Because Australia’s entire annual emissions are exceeded by China every two weeks.

So, sue China, if you really mean it. I’m sure they’ll listen.

The Prosecution rests, m’lud. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

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Face of the Day

It’s time for Te Pāti Māori to be judged for their actions, instead of their words. They should come out and tell their supporters they love fossil fuels, lots and lots.

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