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Lindsay Perigo

The root of murderous, terrorist KKK Woke-Fascist Only Black Lives Matter and PROFA is Academia. Privileged, taxpayer-funded, smug, snarky, postmodern, righteously evil Academia, such as, in New Zealand, the taxpayer-funded School of Music.

The root of all evil is philosophical, especially when it’s anti-philosophical, as Academia has been for decades—most notably its Philosophy Departments, which teach that there is no reality and all perception is subjective. Actually, they don’t mean that—they simply use such propositions as the guise under which to proclaim their own depraved re-writing of reality, to which re-writing they assign 100% reality! All white people have racism in their DNA, etc. Disagree and you’ll be cancelled by the Woke-Fascist Kancel Kultur Klan!

The currently fashionable—and apparently mandatory—Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality sewage are cases in point. Today, Tucker interviewed an expert on these current faces of evil:

And here we see the existential effects of this philosophical depravity: mindless, moronnial moral deformities boasting about their pleasure in seeing a “fucking Nazi” killed, when they have no clue as to what actual Nazism is or that they are the real Nazis in the current equation. Academia’s Child-Molesters of the Mind have done their job extraordinarily well:

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