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letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

Below is a link to an article with the headline, “Cause or Coincidence?” with a Paula Penfold documentary from 2015 in it.

Here she is going in to bat for adverse reactions to the Gardasil vaccine back in 2015 and now she produces Fire & Fury which attempts to trample those sticking up for people who have suffered adverse reactions to the Covid “vaccine”. Typical Leftie hypocrisy!

As to the hit job on Chantelle Baker. It’s all going to fail. Those that know the truth will back Chantelle even more.

The sheep are already brainwashed and sleeping and probably won’t even watch. Those sitting on the fence will put 2 and 2 together and realise that it’s a hit job.

Actually, they have done a good job bringing some people to my attention and I now either watch their blogs or they are Facebook friends!

In fact, I am here reading, sending in the odd link and VFYW and know of The BFD precisely because of the hit job on Cam by Nicky Hager!


