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The BFD. Clarke Gayford FMF Image

Darling Clarke Gayford – first de facto husband, first fisherman, first stay-at-home Dad (who doesn’t stay at home much) – has come out on Twitter to defend his beloved, and once again shows that our feminist prime minister is seen by everyone around her to be so hopeless at her job that they have to leap to her defence all the time. Clarke, in particular, has much to gain by Jacinda keeping her job for as long as possible. I have said this before, but I’ll say it again. Can you imagine anyone defending Helen Clark like this? No one would dare. That death stare would finish them off in 3 seconds flat.

So what does that say about our #parttimepm?

Unfortunately, Clarke is about as good with his information and his numbers as Jacinda, as Chris Bishop pointed out.

Hahaha haha… Never let the truth get in the way of a good story, eh Clarke?

I love his comment – “Imagine if the job was full time, eh”, although I would have used proper punctuation, like a question mark. Just saying.

Just keep defending her, Clarke. Obviously, she needs it. You make it clear that she needs it. You, and Oscar Kightley, Trevor Mallard, Winston Peters, Grant Robertson, Audrey Young, Henry Cooke… and so on.


Photoshopped image credit: Luke
