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CEO ‘Cancelled’ for Being a Christian


Surely Diversity & Inclusion can’t co-exist with Cancel Culture? The two must be mutually exclusive, right? Well unfortunately the Diversity & Inclusion agenda doesn’t roll out the welcome mat for Christians, they’re definitely not included.

There’s been a growing trend to cancel Christian viewpoints in politics, media, corporate business and sport. At first, it was the beliefs and opinions being cancelled, but now the angry mob are cancelling the people holding such beliefs.

This latest cancel-culture story comes from Australia, where a Christian was appointed CEO of Essendon Football Club (a professional Australian Rules club). As well as being an accomplished business leader and CEO, Andrew Thorburn also happened to be a lifelong supporter of the club. But as soon as his appointment was announced there was a vile backlash from the media and segments of the public… how dare the football club appoint a Christian as CEO, not acceptable.

The media pointed out that Andrew Thorburn was also in a leadership role with City on a Hill, a Christian organisation comprising of eight churches.

Here is City on a Hill’s mission statement:

City on a Hill is one movement of men and women gathered across eight churches, in five cities, united around the mission “to know Jesus and make Jesus known”.

“To know Jesus and make Jesus known” sounds like mainstream Christianity that’s been foundational within society for generations. But the media had trawled City on a Hill’s website and uncovered an article from 2013 titled “Surviving Same Sex Attraction as a Christian”. This seems to be the catalyst and “evidence” which ignited the media backlash.

Like many churches, City on a Hill holds mainstream Christian views on sexuality and abortion, views that mainstream society now deem to be outdated and unacceptable.

Thorburn said the following:

“Let me be clear – I love all people, and have always promoted and lived an inclusive, diverse, respectful and supportive workplace – where people are welcomed regardless of their culture, religious beliefs, and sexual orientation. I believe my record over a long period of time testifies to this.”

But this was still not acceptable to the media, progressives and LGBTQ activists. There was such an outcry that sadly Thornburn’s tenure as CEO lasted only one day. After much badgering from the media, the Essendon board gave Thorburn an ultimatum, telling him he couldn’t perform both roles. Consequently Thorburn chose to resign from the club.

“Within hours of my appointment being announced, the media and leaders of our community had spoken. They made it clear that my Christian faith and my association with a Church are unacceptable in our culture if you wish to hold a leadership in society.”

This raises yet more concerns about religious freedoms being clamped down upon, and whether Christian faith is even permitted in the public square.

This story also exposes the kingsized hypocrisy coming out of the Diversity & Inclusion crowd.

Read Andrew Thornbun’s full statement below…

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